
听力-Virus ? !集锦

2018-06-26  本文已影响0人  苏杏儿


最近在听CNN对刚果(Republic of Congo)埃博拉病毒疫情控制状况做的一个陈述,我了解到了许多形容埃博拉病毒的词汇。

1.名词解释 Ebola,is a disease of humans and other primates caused by ebolaviruses  a highly infectious virus that's killed thousands and could go on to kill many more.

2.重点词汇 an Ebola outbreak埃博拉病毒爆发

Most of the cases in this outbreak were in a rural area.(这次疫情爆发的大多数病例生活在农村地区)

International health officials国际卫生员  The World Health Organization世界卫生组织

Doctors started vaccinating people.(医生开始给人们接种疫苗)

3.历史 There has been at least 27 Ebola outbreaks reported since the virus was discovered in 1976, according to the CDC. This includes the 2014 West Africa outbreak where more than 11000 people died. (CDC疾病防治中心 Centers for Disease control)

4.How to respond when so many lives are at stake? We need a huge operation to stop Ebola.

Spot symptoms发现症状 (8-10days fever, vomiting,diarrhea发烧、呕吐、腹泻)so check temperatures in affected regions as well as at borders can help catch the virus before it spreads any further.)

Isolate patients隔离病人 (Ebola spreads through bodily fluids such as blood or saliva唾液 and even the tiniest amount can transmit the virus. If someone has Ebola, they need to be quarantined with minimal visitors.)

Trace contacts跟踪观察 (Contacts must be found, monitored and if they show signs of Ebola, isolate them)

Suit up穿好防护服(Anyone in contact with the patient must be protected from head to toe, even the smallest slip-up could lead to contamination and ultimately  even death. 失误)

Administer vaccines接种疫苗 (Experimental vaccine can now be deployed to the epicenter of an outbreak, given to people in contact with the infected and their contacts. It's a strategy known as a ring vaccination.

These strategies can strangle the spread of Ebola, potentially saving thousands of lives in the process.(划重点 strange 使窒息)

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