iOS | GCD in Swift

2022-02-09  本文已影响0人  清無

In this Grand Central Dispatch tutorial, you’ll delve into basic GCD concepts, including:

Multi-core devices, on the other hand, execute multiple threads at the same time via parallelism.

GCD is built on top of threads. Under the hood, it manages a shared thread pool. With GCD, you add blocks of code or work items to dispatch queues and GCD decides which thread to execute them on.

You submit units of work to this queue, and GCD executes them in a FIFO order (first in, first out), guaranteeing that the first task submitted is the first one started.

Dispatch queues are thread-safe, meaning you can simultaneously access them from multiple threads.

Concurrent queues allow multiple tasks to run at the same time. The queue guarantees tasks start in the order you add them. Tasks can finish in any order, and you have no knowledge of the time it will take for the next task to start, nor the number of tasks running at any given time.

Queue Types

GCD provides three main types of queues:


When sending tasks to the global concurrent queues, you don’t specify the priority directly. Instead, you specify a quality of service (QoS) class property. This indicates the task’s importance and guides GCD in determining the priority to give to the task.

The QoS classes are:

In general, you want to use async when you need to perform a network-based or CPU-intensive task in the background without blocking the current thread.

Delaying Tasks Execution

Why not use Timer? You could consider using it if you have repeated tasks that are easier to schedule with Timer. Here are two reasons to stick with dispatch queue’s asyncAfter():

// 1
let delayInSeconds = 2.0

// 2
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delayInSeconds) { [weak self] in
  guard let self = self else {

  if ! {
    self.navigationItem.prompt = nil
  } else {
    self.navigationItem.prompt = "Add photos with faces to Googlyify them!"

  // 3

Readers-Writers Problem

The Swift collection types like Array and Dictionary aren’t thread-safe when declared mutable.

private var unsafePhotos: [Photo] = []
var photos: [Photo] {
  return unsafePhotos

It may look like there’s a lot of copying in your code when passing collections back and forth. Don’t worry about the memory usage implications of this. The Swift collection types are optimized to make copies only when necessary, for instance, when your app modifies an array passed by value for the first time.

The getter for this property is termed a read method, as it’s reading the mutable array. The caller gets a copy of the array and is protected against inappropriately mutating the original array. However, this doesn’t provide any protection against one thread calling the write method addPhoto(_:) while another thread simultaneously calls the getter for the photos property.

GCD provides an elegant solution of creating a read/write lock using dispatch barriers. Dispatch barriers are a group of functions acting as a serial-style bottleneck when working with concurrent queues.

When you submit a DispatchWorkItem to a dispatch queue, you can set flags to indicate that it should be the only item executed on the specified queue for that particular time. This means all items submitted to the queue prior to the dispatch barrier must complete before DispatchWorkItem executes.

Barrier Flow

Notice how in normal operation, the queue acts just like a normal concurrent queue. But when the barrier is executing, it essentially acts as a serial queue. That is, the barrier is the only thing executing. After the barrier finishes, the queue goes back to being a normal concurrent queue.

private let concurrentPhotoQueue =
    label: "com.raywenderlich.GooglyPuff.photoQueue",
    attributes: .concurrent)

func addPhoto(_ photo: Photo) {
  // 1
  concurrentPhotoQueue.async(flags: .barrier) { [weak self] in
    guard let self = self else {

    // 2

    // 3
    DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in

To ensure thread safety with your writes, you need to perform reads on concurrentPhotoQueue. You need return data from the function call, so an asynchronous dispatch won’t cut it. In this case, sync would be an excellent candidate.

You need to be careful, though. Imagine if you call sync and target the current queue you’re already running on. This would result in a deadlock situation.


In your case, the sync call will wait until the closure finishes, but the closure can’t finish — or even start! — until the currently executing closure finishes, which it can’t! This should force you to be conscious of which queue you’re calling from — as well as which queue you’re passing in.

Here’s a quick overview of when and where to use sync:

var photos: [Photo] {
  var photosCopy: [Photo] = []

  // 1
  concurrentPhotoQueue.sync {
    // 2
    photosCopy = self.unsafePhotos
  return photosCopy

Using Dispatch Groups

How can you monitor these concurrent asynchronous events to achieve this?

With dispatch groups, you can group together multiple tasks. Then, you can either wait for them to complete or receive a notification once they finish. Tasks can be asynchronous or synchronous and can even run on different queues.

DispatchGroup manages dispatch groups. You’ll first look at its wait method. This synchronous method blocks your current thread until all the group’s enqueued tasks finish.

// 1 .userInitiated).async {
  var storedError: NSError?

  // 2
  let downloadGroup = DispatchGroup()
  for address in [
  ] {
    guard let url = URL(string: address) else { return }

    // 3
    let photo = DownloadPhoto(url: url) { _, error in
      storedError = error

      // 4

  // 5      

  // 6
  DispatchQueue.main.async {

Call enter() to manually notify the group that a task has started. You must balance out the number of enter() calls with the number of leave() calls, or your app will crash.

You can use wait(timeout:) to specify a timeout and bail out on waiting after a specified time.

Dispatch Groups Notify

// 2    
downloadGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {

notify(queue:work:) serves as the asynchronous completion closure. It runs when there are no more items left in the group. You also specify that you want to schedule the completion work to run on the main queue.

let _ = .userInitiated)
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: addresses.count) { index in
  let address = addresses[index]
  guard let url = URL(string: address) else { return }
  let photo = DownloadPhoto(url: url) { _, error in
    storedError = error

This implementation includes a curious line of code: let _ = .userInitiated). This causes GCD to use a queue with a .userInitiated quality of service for the concurrent calls.

When is it appropriate to use DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations:execute:)? You can rule out serial queues because there’s no benefit there – you may as well use a normal for loop. It’s a good choice for concurrent queues that contain looping, though, especially if you need to keep track of progress.

Canceling Dispatch Blocks

Be aware that you can only cancel a DispatchWorkItem before it reaches the head of a queue and starts executing.

// 1
addresses += addresses + addresses

// 2
var blocks: [DispatchWorkItem] = []

for index in 0..<addresses.count {

  // 3
  let block = DispatchWorkItem(flags: .inheritQoS) {
    let address = addresses[index]
    guard let url = URL(string: address) else {
    let photo = DownloadPhoto(url: url) { _, error in
      storedError = error

  // 4
  DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: block)

// 5
for block in blocks[3..<blocks.count] {

  // 6
  let cancel = Bool.random()
  if cancel {

    // 7

    // 8

Using Semaphores

Take a brief look at how you can use semaphores to test asynchronous code.

let url = try XCTUnwrap(URL(string: urlString))

// 1
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
_ = DownloadPhoto(url: url) { _, error in
  if let error = error {
    XCTFail("\(urlString) failed. \(error.localizedDescription)")

  // 2
let timeout = + .seconds(defaultTimeoutLengthInSeconds)

// 3
if semaphore.wait(timeout: timeout) == .timedOut {
  XCTFail("\(urlString) timed out")
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