
详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十六) —— NSURLCach

2018-03-15  本文已影响44人  刀客传奇


版本号 时间
V1.0 2018.03.15


1. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类 (一) —— NSURLSession
2. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(二) —— NSURLRequest和NSMutableURLRequest
3. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(三) —— NSURLConnection
4. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(四) —— NSURLSession和NSURLConnection的区别
5. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(五) —— 关于NSURL加载系统(一)
6. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(六) —— 使用NSURLSession(二)
7. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(七) —— URL数据的编码和解码(三)
8. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(八) —— 处理重定向和其他请求更改(四)
9. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(九) —— 身份验证挑战和TLS链验证(五)
10. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十) —— 理解获取缓存(六)
11. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十一) —— Cookies和自定义协议(七)
12. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十二) —— URL Session的生命周期(八)
13. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十三) —— NSURLResponse(一)
14. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十四) —— NSHTTPCookie(一)
15. 详细解析几个和网络请求有关的类(十五) —— NSHTTPCookieStorage(一)






1. Overview

NSURLCache类通过将NSURLRequest对象映射到NSCachedURLResponse对象来实现缓存对URL加载请求的响应。 它提供了复合内存和磁盘缓存,并允许您操纵内存和磁盘部分的大小。 您还可以控制缓存数据持久存储的路径。


2. Thread Safety - 线程安全

在iOS 8和更高版本以及MacOS 10.10和更高版本中,NSURLCache是线程安全的。




1. Getting and setting shared cache - 获取和设置共享cache

2. Creating a new cache object - 创建新的缓存对象

3. Getting and storing cached objects - 获取和存储缓存对象

4. Removing cached objects - 移动缓存对象

5. Getting and setting on-disk cache properties - 获取和设置磁盘缓存属性

6. Getting and setting in-memory cache properties - 获取和设置内存缓存属性


1. NSURLCache本类


@class NSURLRequest;
@class NSURLCacheInternal;

@interface NSURLCache : NSObject
    NSURLCacheInternal *_internal;

    @property sharedURLCache
    @abstract Returns the shared NSURLCache instance or
    sets the NSURLCache instance shared by all clients of
    the current process. This will be the new object returned when
    calls to the <tt>sharedURLCache</tt> method are made.
    @discussion Unless set explicitly through a call to
    <tt>+setSharedURLCache:</tt>, this method returns an NSURLCache
    instance created with the following default values:
    <li>Memory capacity: 4 megabytes (4 * 1024 * 1024 bytes)
    <li>Disk capacity: 20 megabytes (20 * 1024 * 1024 bytes)
    <li>Disk path: <nobr>(user home directory)/Library/Caches/(application bundle id)</nobr> 
    <p>Users who do not have special caching requirements or
    constraints should find the default shared cache instance
    acceptable. If this default shared cache instance is not
    acceptable, <tt>+setSharedURLCache:</tt> can be called to set a
    different NSURLCache instance to be returned from this method. 
    Callers should take care to ensure that the setter is called
    at a time when no other caller has a reference to the previously-set 
    shared URL cache. This is to prevent storing cache data from 
    becoming unexpectedly unretrievable.
    @result the shared NSURLCache instance.
// @abstract 返回共享NSURLCache实例或设置当前进程的所有客户端共享的NSURLCache实例。
// 这个是调用方法sharedURLCache返回的新的实例。
// @discussion 除非明确的调用+setSharedURLCache:,这个方法返回一个NSURLCache由下面默认值创建的实例对象。
// Memory capacity: 4 megabytes (4 * 1024 * 1024 bytes)  
// Disk capacity: 20 megabytes (20 * 1024 * 1024 bytes)  
// Disk路径(user home directory)/Library/Caches/(application bundle id) 
// 没有特殊缓存需求或限制的用户应该找到默认的共享缓存实例。 
// 如果此默认共享缓存实例不可接受,则可以调用+ setSharedURLCache来设置从此
// 方法返回的另一个NSURLCache实例。 调用者应该注意确保在其他调用者没有参考先前设置的共享URL缓存的时候调用setter。 
// 这是为了防止存储缓存数据意外无法恢复。

@property (class, strong) NSURLCache *sharedURLCache;

    @method initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:
    @abstract Initializes an NSURLCache with the given capacity and
    @discussion The returned NSURLCache is backed by disk, so
    developers can be more liberal with space when choosing the
    capacity for this kind of cache. A disk cache measured in the tens
    of megabytes should be acceptable in most cases.
    @param memoryCapacity the capacity, measured in bytes, for the cache in memory.
    @param diskCapacity the capacity, measured in bytes, for the cache on disk.
    @param path the path on disk where the cache data is stored.
    @result an initialized NSURLCache, with the given capacity, backed
    by disk.
// 根据指定的存储量和路径实例化对象。返回的NSURLCache由磁盘支持,
// 因此在为这种缓存选择容量时,开发人员可以更加自由地使用空间。 
// 在大多数情况下,以几十兆字节度量的磁盘缓存应该是可以接受的。

- (instancetype)initWithMemoryCapacity:(NSUInteger)memoryCapacity diskCapacity:(NSUInteger)diskCapacity diskPath:(nullable NSString *)path;

    @method cachedResponseForRequest:
    @abstract Returns the NSCachedURLResponse stored in the cache with
    the given request.
    @discussion The method returns nil if there is no
    NSCachedURLResponse stored using the given request.
    @param request the NSURLRequest to use as a key for the lookup.
    @result The NSCachedURLResponse stored in the cache with the given
    request, or nil if there is no NSCachedURLResponse stored with the
    given request.
// 返回的是缓存中存储的给定请求的NSCachedURLResponse对象,
// 如果不存在这样的对象,那么就返回nil。

- (nullable NSCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponseForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;

    @method storeCachedResponse:forRequest:
    @abstract Stores the given NSCachedURLResponse in the cache using
    the given request.
    @param cachedResponse The cached response to store.
    @param request the NSURLRequest to use as a key for the storage.
// 在缓存中存储给定请求的NSCachedURLResponse对象

- (void)storeCachedResponse:(NSCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponse forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;

    @method removeCachedResponseForRequest:
    @abstract Removes the NSCachedURLResponse from the cache that is
    stored using the given request. 
    @discussion No action is taken if there is no NSCachedURLResponse
    stored with the given request.
    @param request the NSURLRequest to use as a key for the lookup.
// 移除使用给定请求存储的NSCachedURLResponse对象

- (void)removeCachedResponseForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;

    @method removeAllCachedResponses
    @abstract Clears the given cache, removing all NSCachedURLResponse
    objects that it stores.
// 清楚给定的缓存,移除所有存储的NSCachedURLResponse对象。

- (void)removeAllCachedResponses;

 @method removeCachedResponsesSince:
 @abstract Clears the given cache of any cached responses since the provided date.
// 移除指定日期到现在的缓存数据

- (void)removeCachedResponsesSinceDate:(NSDate *)date API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));

    @abstract In-memory capacity of the receiver. 
    @discussion At the time this call is made, the in-memory cache will truncate its contents to the size given, if necessary.
    @result The in-memory capacity, measured in bytes, for the receiver. 
// 在进行此调用时,如有必要,内存缓存将将其内容截断为给定的大小。
// 属性返回的是接收者的内存容量,以字节为单位。

@property NSUInteger memoryCapacity;

    @abstract The on-disk capacity of the receiver. 
    @discussion The on-disk capacity, measured in bytes, for the receiver. On mutation the on-disk cache will truncate its contents to the size given, if necessary.
// 接收器的磁盘容量(以字节为单位)。 在变化时,如有必要,
// 磁盘缓存会将其内容截断为给定的大小

@property NSUInteger diskCapacity;

    @abstract Returns the current amount of space consumed by the
    in-memory cache of the receiver.
    @discussion This size, measured in bytes, indicates the current
    usage of the in-memory cache. 
    @result the current usage of the in-memory cache of the receiver.
// 获取当前接收者消耗的内存缓存

@property (readonly) NSUInteger currentMemoryUsage;

    @abstract Returns the current amount of space consumed by the
    on-disk cache of the receiver.
    @discussion This size, measured in bytes, indicates the current
    usage of the on-disk cache. 
    @result the current usage of the on-disk cache of the receiver.
// 获取当前接收者消耗的磁盘缓存

@property (readonly) NSUInteger currentDiskUsage;


2. NSURLCache分类NSURLSessionTaskAdditions


@interface NSURLCache (NSURLSessionTaskAdditions)

// 存储指定task的响应缓存
- (void)storeCachedResponse:(NSCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponse forDataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));

// 获取指定task的缓存数据,并给出数据回调
- (void)getCachedResponseForDataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask completionHandler:(void (^) (NSCachedURLResponse * _Nullable cachedResponse))completionHandler API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));

// 移除指定task的缓存
- (void)removeCachedResponseForDataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.10), ios(8.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));



1. 需求

2. 使用场景

3. 要点




1. NSURLCache缓存使用简介



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