

2019-01-08  本文已影响4人  Happylins




A hallmark of merchant bankers was that they vouched for the securities they sponsored. At first, Peabody merely sent letters to Baltimore friends, scolding them about the need for Maryland to resume interest payments. Then he tired of persuasion and rewarded reporters with small gratuities for favorable articles about the state. At last, in 1845 he conspired with Barings to push Maryland into resuming payment. They set up a political slush fund to spread propaganda for debt resumption and to elect sympathetic legislators; they even drafted the clergy into giving sermons on the sanctity of contracts. By means of a secret account, the two firms transferred £1,000 to Baltimore, 90 percent from Barings and 10 percent from Peabody—a strategy Barings duplicated in Pennsylvania. Most shocking of all, Barings bribed Daniel Webster, the orator and statesman, to make speeches for debt repayment. The bankers conducted this shabby campaign with a skulking sense of guilt; it wasn’t their preferred style. “Your payment to Mr. Webster would not appear very well if it should get out,” Joshua Bates, the senior Baring partner, warned Thomas Ward, American bagman for the operation.12 Bates, a sober, diligent Bostonian, cringed at what they were doing: “I have a sort of instinctive horror of doing one thing to effect another, or using any sort of subterfuge or reserve,” he confessed to Ward.13


Hallmark n. a mark indicating quality or excellence 品质证明,特点

Voucher v. to give personal assurance; guarantee 担保

securities n. stocks, shares, bonds, or other certificates 证劵

Slush fund n. a fund raised for undesignated purposes, espeically a fund raised by a group for corrupt practices, such as bribery or graft 贿赂金

Draft v. to engage someone to 使某人从事

Orator n. an eloquent and skilled public speaker 演说家

Shabby ajd. despicable; mean 卑鄙的

Skulk v. to lie in hiding, as out of cowardice or bad sonscience 躲避

sober adj. strightforward and serious 冷静

cringe v. to shrink back, as in fear 畏缩

Subterfuge n. deception used to achieve an end 诡计




