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Bundle ID:
Manufatcure future group
Structure phd
Adsk 10 years
More: industrial robotics
Light weighting x innovating
Generative design: can disrrupt design is done ——— need to assume model to be linear static
—— have lots of restrictions
Infrastructure was right
CAD industry in right direction: dialetic modeling like fusion
Unshape: competitor of fusion
Design driven by idea —— generative design
Manufacture abililty issue:
Work on automotive industry,try to solve cars x space for devices
Cars needs more sensors and components—no enough space,
Produce cravices as part of design, send to other country, use hands to put things in
Convert wire hardness to PCB —part will be attached to the robot
Try to scratch things onto the panel of the car
Workflow: start:
Wire hardness build on project,do some WH first.
Ollision design go inside design engineer level, look inside the possibsility and work with OEM side, evaluate and draw AutoCAD model inside
On paper first, test and optimized and test in the car body and usually a push back—between OEM and wire hardness producer
Panels sail to other countries, get wired, get assembled send back
——create and attach to system by robots
And no need for design cavaties
Try: use generative design to design the space for wires
The other thing: construction industry agriculture industry
Catapillar company: concrete: should use robot tot concrete houses.
Concrete is old material
USC : machine todo vertical walls,cost too high
Robot connect woods or frames
Interest in Nasa project: build habitats on other projects.
Concrete: too heavy,may use soil to make construction
Think to make house with plastic bottles and soils to make house on Mars
Prototypse to build houses with up with robotics.
DED techinique from Pan Computing from Netfab simulation —— simulating but not everything
Ultimate design to meet ultimate systems.
Not unified needs:
Robot can deposit many things, when you layer the cad model for the robot, and deformation is there:
Give high level picture of the robot moving pattern
Qualativie answer of how to callibrate the machine
If wear AR goggle, want to see alternative reality how machines move in specific parameter
Qualatative analysis: robot is doing in open space, depends on people’s vision, not totally simulated
simulation for different building speed and tools
suggestion: use autodesk simulation tools to do disign, not in visualizing, but put that in distort design or indicate in structure
Tim Paul:
Fusion team: 4 years PM for turning development team ——set up documentation(mentioned Hans)
—— CJ works with him,responsible for tooling library,automation workflows……
Machining background since 90’s,manage workshops.
Most ideal….
Tool library,manufacture engineer oversaw
Deal with CAD data
More insight in relationship:
Legitimate shops
Two way communication in some places like gener motors(decent)——have team identify manufacturing problem,summarize
Design through manufactoring
Build tools to help engineer & designer team to analyse manufacturability of models
CAM/CAD communication in small companaies ——
Left outthree ——a machine shop
Director of engineering ——— lot of communication between &
Dioffence standards ————
Annotation system —
Team shop floor : better documentation ——— A need to program for CNC machine and
Engineer design things with bad manufacturability ——make it expensive
Things go wrong betwen set up guy and CAM machine ——bad results
Add value to shop floor ——— set up string line,automated,digital,documentation.
Most ideal programmer set up situation: machine at garage ——programe one night,next night set up machine
making communication more simple,clear,…..
Initials setup for big companies
Left —— leave a documentation package ——lot information —go wrong,specifically
machine set up :
Tech applying is AR,so
Decent for teams
setup sheets — go to floor(not use becuase not efficinet for data they are llooking for
Betweern programmer office and shop floor —— should be more efficiently
May have a setup documatation package demo
Last few pages to show tool path—— got most feedback about visualization —— could fit in AR
——MACHINEST PEOPLE need it to be efficient
Not only target them but convince people to use tools only if clearly show their efficiency.
What would make a successful project for summer?
AR capality
Disclaim: professional in 3D prinitnig proess
Institutionally focus too much in generative design
Do less with additive,not as justive
Technical prodiction of buld simulation stuff is slow,and could be some workflow visualization prduce,—SLOW
Metal priniting for lander projects last fall ———find challenging ——process is very cereal,and manufacturing is defining shape in bunch of different proces,
need to be compatible,coming exaple:
Post machined ——— designers are qualified to think through the proeceess,
Filter through / visualize through constrains and different features of different process,think through visualizing potentially —how to fix through without machine process
Machine part: iteration and optimization ———tool selection and
JPL projects: mapping the assembly process to opticles and
London: VR assembly experience for Landard and debug —— move things together
Show intermediate states
Fixure and place
Describe with generative design and biggest problem -=—— to predict,=——— have great data and figure out if 24 components and part of them are generative
Discover —— way more time —— fasten and assemble sequence ——
converging in a sequence having it
Things occulde each other —— VR simulation just for fun
Get more fadality —— percision ——clearances between things are pretty precise to the
JPL 3D scanning to digital assembly to know
Tele-A program —— wrapped ideation studio
Scale models to
Need lift frame to hold the thing with seven parts — complicate before drop into lander.
how to string assembly states
Explore internal features
Visualling print sands from outside and inside geometry somewhere
Morgan fabien
private GameObject clone;
private LineRenderer line;
private int index;
public GameObject tf;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
clone = (GameObject)Instantiate(tf, tf.transform.position, transform.rotation);//克隆一个带有LineRender的物体
line = clone.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();//获得该物体上的LineRender组件
line.SetWidth(0.2f, 0.1f);//设置宽度
index = 0;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
line.SetPosition(index - 1, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, 15)));//设置顶点位置