A Fresh Start of Weekly Writing
Hail, writers and readers on Jianshu!
I start my non-fiction writing journey on this website and this is my first preface-like article. It is always de rigueur, whether when writing online or not, to introduce purpose and contents of writing at the very beginning. I am to do that in an easy-to-read Q&A fashion.
What is my purpose of writing?
My primary purpose of writing is quite straight-forward: practicing to articulate my thoughts. To me it is not an easy task, though not looking into the eyes of my beloved one, to convey what is inside my mind effectively and efficiently. I hope that a regular writing practice could help.
What is the contents?
Mainly about book reviews. I will monthly pick up several books, choose related topics, then give my thoughts or ideas on them. My points, however, may not be rigorously evidences-based and may sometimes be not-so-educated guesses consistent with the authors' or my logical line of reasoning. I still wish my thoughts might bring you insights.
It doesn't matter you do not have the opportunity to read the original context, my articles will always start with a brief summary on the main ideas and backgrounds of the chosen books. If you are interested in the chosen books and "ask for more", I am very pleased to send you these books in pdf or epub.
Why writing online?
Because of the potential readers online(most of the time they exist in my mind, not in real life), this mere presence, or mere imaginative presence, forces me to be consistent and to pay attention to the qualities of writing.
Writing practice is like going to the gym: everyone knows it pays in the long run, then a promising start is made, but seldom if ever does one come to the last. People in nature will shudder at the thought of being consistent a year or so and I am on the nature's side as well.
Things are going to be different, however, if a little bit nudge——publicly claiming the attitude online——has been done: it works its magic by constantly reminding you of others' negative views, be it real or imaginative, on your inconsistencies. Trust me, the nudge always does its job.
In the end, I am to quote a few words from the preface of Don Quixote. These elegant words motivate me to write and act as a code of my writing in the future. I hope you enjoy them:
Do but take care to express your self in a plain, easy Manner, in well-chosen, significant and decent Terms, and to give an harmonious and pleasing Turn to your Periods: Study to explain your Thoughts, and set them in the truest Light, labouring, as much as possible, not to leave ’em dark nor intricate, but clear and intelligible: Let your diverting Stories be express’d in diverting Terms...
——Miguel Cervantes,
‘Preface’, Don Quixote