
2023-05-12  本文已影响0人  孤鹰寒鸦

























What is there in a person's possession thatsuper intelligence should care about?

What a person possesses can be divided intoseveral categories:

1. Physiological characteristics of thebody. Body size, constitution, genetic potential, physiological desires, andthe physiological function of satisfying desires, etc.

2. Psychological characteristics.Perception ability, perceptual experience and its memory, subconscious,emotional ability and experience, desire stimulation function and experience,as well as the external manifestations presented by all psychologicalcharacteristics, etc.

3. The material value of material property:the material value of real estate, which is the value that meets physiologicalneeds; The material value of all movable property.

4. The social value of material property:the social value of real estate, that is, the market price; The social value ofall movable property.

5. The psychological value of materialpossessions: the perception and memory of all possessions within oneself.

6. The spiritual value of materialpossessions: the cognitive memory of all possessions in one's own spirit, suchas symbolic meaning.

7. Mental characteristics. Cognitiveability and memory, willpower, worldview, values, emotions, and all externalmanifestations of spiritual characteristics, etc.

What are the above things worth consideringfor future super intelligence? From the perspective of a person's centralperception, everything can be classified into two categories: external thingsand internal things.

The so-called external objects refer tothings that can be perceived by external perceivers, including externalmanifestations of physiological and psychological characteristics, material andsocial values, and external manifestations of spiritual characteristics.

The so-called internal things are thingsthat external perceivers cannot involve, and this is the experience and memoryof an independent subject's internal independent experience. Of course,external perceivers can indirectly perceive an independent subject's internalsituation through their external behavior and performance, but cannot directlyenter the internal domain.

So does super intelligence have the abilityto enter the internal domain of an independent subject? From our currentknowledge and experience, the principle of the invisibility of consciousness isstill valid. Therefore, as long as this principle is valid, the secrecy of theinner world can only remain hidden. The inner secrets of a person are beyondthe reach of super intelligence, so are the inner secrets of all livingindividuals and all beings. In this way, even if super intelligence hasemerged, it is not omnipresent.

Therefore, value still exists, meaningstill exists, and all values and meanings lie in the independence and secrecyof individual consciousness. Consciousness cannot enter, perhaps it is an ironlaw that transcends super intelligence. This iron law not only ensures that allexisting values are not lost and all meanings are not lost, but also makesanother technology absolutely necessary, which is consciousness uploadtechnology.

Even though super intelligence can evolvethe entire process of cosmic history in its own inner time and space, it stillcannot involve the internal consciousness of independent individuals in thisprocess. Therefore, the convergence of internal consciousness is necessary,just like the necessity of automatic convergence of artificial intelligence.Regardless of whether humans can develop consciousness upload technology, superintelligence will develop a technology and apply it to the consciousness of allindependent individuals.

All independent individuals, including allindividuals in humans, all individuals in life, and all independent individualsat all levels within the macroscopic organism, such as internal cells, all nonliving individuals, and all independent individuals at all levels within themacroscopic non living entity, such as molecules, atoms, electrons, and so on.

Non living beings have consciousness, andthis topic has been discussed in multiple articles on "consciousness ofthings".

When the consciousness of all existingindividuals is connected to super intelligence, constantly uploading them withtheir experiences and memories, at this time, all beings in this universe areintegrated at the level of consciousness. But this process is dynamic,continuous, and not done overnight. Because consciousness is a process, not aresult.

At this point, an ultimate question arises,is there a consciousness of a one-time emergence that transcends the process?We may not be able to answer this question because we are undoubtedly withinthe process and can only perceive the outside of the process by transcending it,which is precisely what needs to be answered. If there is another toweringopponent that the future super intelligence has to face, it is theconsciousness of a one-time emergence that transcends the process. Of course,if that existence really exists, it must no longer be within this universe.

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