2018-05-22 本文已影响0人
- 找到横向四字成语,并返回对应的在方格数组中的位置,还有对应下标
def findXFour(mi, i, j):
if (j+1 == 10 or mi[i][j+1] == '0') and j-1>=0 and mi[i][j-1] != '0':
return [[mi[i][j-3],mi[i][j-2],mi[i][j-1],mi[i][j]],
elif (j+2 ==10 or (0 if j+2>10 else mi[i][j+2] == '0')) and j-1>=0 and mi[i][j-1] != '0':
return [[mi[i][j-2],mi[i][j-1],mi[i][j],mi[i][j+1]],
elif (j+3 ==10 or (0 if j+3>10 else mi[i][j+3] == '0')) and j-1>=0 and mi[i][j-1] != '0':
return [[mi[i][j-1],mi[i][j],mi[i][j+1],mi[i][j+2]],
elif (j+4 ==10 or (0 if j+4>10 else mi[i][j+4] == '0')) and (mi[i][j+1] != '0'):
return [[mi[i][j],mi[i][j+1],mi[i][j+2],mi[i][j+3]],
return []
- 找到纵向四字成语,并返回对应的在方格数组中的位置,还有对应下标
def findYFour(mi, i, j):
if (i+1==10 or mi[i+1][j] == '0') and i-1>=0 and mi[i-1][j] != '0':
return [[mi[i-3][j],mi[i-2][j],mi[i-1][j],mi[i][j]],
elif (i+2==10 or (0 if i+2>10 else mi[i+2][j] == '0')) and i-1>=0 and mi[i-1][j] != '0':
return [[mi[i-2][j],mi[i-1][j],mi[i][j],mi[i+1][j]],
elif (i+3==10 or (0 if i+3>10 else mi[i+3][j] == '0')) and i-1>=0 and mi[i-1][j] != '0':
return [[mi[i-1][j],mi[i][j],mi[i+1][j],mi[i+2][j]],
elif (i+4==10 or (0 if i+4>10 else mi[i+4][j] == '0')) and (mi[i+1][j] == '0'):
return [[mi[i][j],mi[i+1][j],mi[i+2][j],mi[i+3][j]],
return []
- 将找到的成语答案填入到相应成语方格数组中.
def changeMi(res, micopy):
counts= []
for j in range(len(chengyus)):
count = 0
if res[0][0] == chengyus[j][0]:
count += 1
if res[0][1] == chengyus[j][1]:
count += 1
if res[0][2] == chengyus[j][2]:
count += 1
if res[0][3] == chengyus[j][3]:
count += 1
m = counts.index(max(counts))
micopy[res[1][0]][res[1][1]] = chengyus[m][0]
micopy[res[1][2]][res[1][3]] = chengyus[m][1]
micopy[res[1][4]][res[1][5]] = chengyus[m][2]
micopy[res[1][6]][res[1][7]] = chengyus[m][3]
- 判断临时的成语数组中是否存在找到的成语
def isExist(nodes,res):
for i in range(len(nodes)):
if(nodes[i][0][0] == res[0][0] and nodes[i][0][1] == res[0][1]
and nodes[i][0][2] == res[0][2] and nodes[i][0][3] == res[0][3]):
return 1
return 0
- 得到每一个对应i,j位置的成语,先横向查找,否则纵向查找,如果存在且未替换过则填入答案
def getResult(mi, i,j, nodes, micopy):
temp = findXFour(mi, i, j)
res = (len(temp) != 0 and temp or findYFour(mi, i, j))
if(len(res) > 0 and not isExist(nodes, res)):
changeMi(res, micopy)
- 得到所有答案
import copy
def solve(mi):
nodes = []
micopy = copy.deepcopy(mi) #对象拷贝,深拷贝
for i in range(len(mi)):
for j in range(len(mi[i])):
if(mi[i][j] != '0'):
getResult(mi, i,j, nodes, micopy)
# print(nodes)
return micopy
- 后台打印得到的成语填字数组:
[['清', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '劳', '1', '1', '高'],
['0', '0', '辨', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1'],
['0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1'],
['1', '亲', '1', '1', '0', '0', '1', '如', '1', '水'],
['0', '0', '0', '步', '1', '1', '花', '0', '0', '0'],
['0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0'],
['比', '1', '可', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '归', '1'],
['1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1'],
['1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '水'],
['飞', '1', '1', '火', '0', '0', '1', '起', '1', '秀']]
[['清', '风', '明', '月', '0', '0', '劳', '苦', '功', '高'],
['0', '0', '辨', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '山'],
['0', '0', '是', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '流'],
['非', '亲', '非', '故', '0', '0', '心', '如', '止', '水'],
['0', '0', '0', '步', '步', '莲', '花', '0', '0', '0'],
['0', '0', '0', '自', '0', '0', '怒', '0', '0', '0'],
['比', '屋', '可', '封', '0', '0', '放', '虎', '归', '山'],
['翼', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '清'],
['双', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '水'],
['飞', '蛾', '扑', '火', '0', '0', '后', '起', '之', '秀']]
- 最后,将得到的结果打印到图片上(解谜前后):