2024-02-18 本文已影响0人
- 学句子,背单词,继续加油,努力学习。
- 单词很重要,句子更重要。
- 通过语意块的分割练习,熟练掌握句子意思和读法;
- 通过拼音法,记单词,才能不漏字母;
- He would go to the library after school every day.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- He would go
- to the library
- after school every day.
- after school
- li-bra-ry
- During Christmas vacation, we would fly to London and spend time with our family.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- During Christmas vacation,
- we would fly
- to London
- and spend time
- with our family.
- during Christmas vacation
- Chris-t-mas
- va-ca-tion
- fly to London
- Lon-don
- spend time with our family
- When she worked at the technology company, she would go on business trips all the time.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- When she worked
- at the technology company,
- she would go
- on business trips
- all the time.
- tech-no-logy
- go on business trip
- busi-ness
- When I studied in the UK, I would have video calls with my parents every week
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- When I studied
- in the UK,
- I would have video calls
- with my parents
- every week
- have video calls with my parents
- vi-deo
- My family would go on several trips abroad every year, before my father's company closed.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- My family would go
- on several trips
- abroad
- every year,
- before my father's company closed.
- She would go for a walk in the park every day when she lived here.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- She would go
- for a walk
- in the park
- every day
- when she lived here.
- go for a walk
- go on a trip
- During winter vocations, I would go to grandparents' home and live with them for a while.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- During winter vocations,
- I would go
- to grandparents' home
- and live
- with them
- for a while.
- to grandparents' home
- for a while
- Just like you, dogs are likely to feel lonely without friends.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Just like you,
- dogs are likely
- to feel lonely
- without friends.
- just like you
- please warn him, because he's likely to fall.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- please warn him,
- because he's likely
- to fall.
- be likely to fall
- She showed great courage at a young age. She was brave enough to study abroad alone.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- She showed great courage
- at a young age.
- She was brave
- enough
- to study abroad
- alone.
- show great courage at a young age
- cou-rage
- at a young age
- If someone has a lot of courage, we describe them as brave.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- If someone has a lot
- of courage,
- we describe them
- as brave.
- has a lot of courage
- cou-rage
- des-cribe
- decribe them as brave
- We should have the courage to stand up for our beliefs.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- We should have the courage
- to stand up
- for our beliefs.
- stand up for our beliefs
- be-lief
- I have the courage to speak up in public.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- I have the courage
- to speak up
- in public.
- speak up in public
- She is a bold and fearless climber. She is not afraid of rock climbing.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- She is a bold
- and fearless climber.
- She is not afraid
- of rock climbing.
- a bold and fearless climber
- cli-mber
- rock climbing
- The wine made him bold enough to approach her.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- The wine made him bold
- enough
- to approach her.
- the wine made him bold enough
- to approach her.
- Wow, what a bold choice for you to decide to retire now.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Wow, what a bold choice
- for you
- to decide
- to retire now.
- a bold choice
- decide to retire now
- We can use in the long run to refer to a time that is far away in the future.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- We can use
- in the long run
- to refer
- to a time
- that is far away
- in the future.
- Studying abroad will be beneficial to you in the long run.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Studying abroad
- will be beneficial
- to you
- in the long run.
- studying abroad
- will be beneficial to you
- be-ne-fi-cial
- All our hard work will be worth in the long run.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- All our hard work
- will be worth
- in the long run.
- Moving to the countryside will be better for you in the long run.
- 把句子进行语意块&朗读断句的拆解:
- Moving to the countryside
- will be better
- for you
- in the long run.
- Moving to the countryside