英语流利说 Level4 Unit3 Part1 -Politi

2020-03-24  本文已影响0人  Real_yun

Political Terms政治术语

The government of a country is its control system.一个国家的政府是它的控制系统。

Governments make laws and provide services to their citizens.政府制定法律并为公民提供服务。

The land over which a government has control is its territory.政府控制的土地是它的领土。

A country's territory has boundaries or borders.一个国家的领土是有边界的

When you leave or enter a country's territory, you usually need a passport.当你离开或进入一个国家的领土时,通常需要护照。

A country's military provides defense for its territory, and its citizens.一个国家的军队为其领土和公民提供防卫。

The military includes an army, an air force, and a navy.军队包括陆军、空军和海军。

The main purpose of a military is to defend a country from attack.军队的主要目的是保卫国家不受攻击。

A country's criminal justice system includes the police, courts, and prisons.一个国家的刑事司法系统包括警察、法院和监狱

Its purpose is to enforce the law and protect people from criminal activities.它的目的是执法和保护人们免受犯罪活动。

A country's social services system provides support to people in need.国家的社会服务体系为有需要的人提供支持。

It provides basic health care services and helps poor people support their children.它提供基本的卫生保健服务,帮助穷人抚养他们的孩子。

Most governments pay for their services by collecting taxes from their citizens.大多数政府通过向公民征税来支付服务费用。 The armed forces of a country have many weapons such as guns, tanks and planes.一个国家的武装力量有许多武器,如枪、坦克和飞机。

Some governments have powerful leaders who control things.一些政府有强有力的领导人来控制事情。

What may happened if a country try to expand its borders? There may be a war.如果一个国家试图扩大边界,可能会发生什么?可能会有一场战争。

The territory of a country is defined by its boundaries.一个国家的领土是由它的边界界定的。

a country's borders mark its territory and separate  it from its neighbors一个国家的边界标志着它的领土,并把它与邻国隔开when a country want to change its boundaries there may be a war当一个国家想要改变其边界时,可能会发生战争

the criminal justice system is responsible for enforcing the law刑事司法系统负责执法

Types of government

A stay of anarchy exists when a country has no effective government.当一个国家没有有效的政府时,就会陷入无政府状态。

In an anarchy, there is nobody to make decisions or enforce the laws.在无政府状态下,没有人做决定或执行法律。

An autocracy is the simplest form of government.专制政体是最简单的政府形式。

In an autocracy, the government is controlled by a single individual , known as the autocrat.在专制政体中,政府由一个人控制,即独裁者。

Whether or not an autocracy is successful depends on the character and ability of the leader.一个独裁政权是否成功取决于领导人的性格和能力。

In an oligarchy, a small group of people controls the government.在寡头政治中,一小撮人控制着政府。这个群体的成员身份通常取决于家庭关系、财富或军事实力。(寡头政治(oligarchy),指由少数人掌握政权的一种统治形式,原指少数人掌握的政权,如古希腊 雅典奴隶制国家的贵族政权。后通指由一小撮反动统治者操纵一切的政治制度。)

Membership in this group often depends on family connections, wealth, or military power.这个群体的成员身份通常取决于家庭关系、财富或军事实力。

In a republic, individuals are elected to represent the citizens.在共和国,个人被选举来代表公民。

The power of the government in a republic is limited by a constitution.共和国政府的权力受宪法的限制。

A constitution is a written document that makes the rules for a government to follow.宪法是为政府制定规则的书面文件。This limits the power of the government.这限制了政府的权力。

A constitution defines the relationship between the government and its citizens.宪法规定了政府和公民之间的关系。

Who make decisions or enforce the laws in an anarchy? nobody谁在无政府状态下做决定或执行法律?没有人

In an oligarchy, ordinary citizens may not be aware that they have little or no power.在寡头政治中,普通公民可能没有意识到自己几乎没有权力

Without a good government, decisions that need to be made, won't be made.没有一个好的政府,就不会做出需要做出的决定。

Bribery and corruption are common as a way to increase the wealth of the oligarchs.贿赂和腐败是增加寡头政府(获得)财富的常见方式。

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