12月晨读-day 1
They're going to eat our lunch.
our dinner, too
cannibalize 抢走;损害,冲击其它产品销量
The E commerce dramatically cannibalizes retail sales in physical stores.
hurt my business
- 不要慌;别紧张,
let's not push the panic button yet
calm down
keep calm and come up with a plan
button 不读t
I have my sources 我有线人
a little bird told me不想透露谁告诉的 -
out with it 你快说呀,急死我啦
who told you
fill me in -
call her ( h 的弱读)
back and see what else 连读 she can tell us -
Head honcho=boss 外来词=Person in charge 负责人
Wasabi 芥末酱
Origami 折纸
sushi 寿司
Teriyaki 照烧
Tycoon 巨头
Sumo 相扑
sumo-size challenge
kamikaze 自杀性的;不要命的
he is a kamikaze driver
by hook or by crook/one way or the other -
drag your feet on sth 不去执行;磨磨蹭蹭的
想学英语就不要拖拖拉拉。don't drag your feet on leaning English -
This is not in my job description 你也没有说要做这个呀;不是我的工作内容
It is not my responsibility 不是我责任
This is not what I signed up for -
I put it on my resume 我有实习经验
What to put on a resume for first job第一份工作,放点(写点)什么在简历里呢? -
I've got a lot on my plate 非常忙
I have got too much on my plate.
I am very busy.
They are time-crunched.
the worm turns
even a worm will turn
别欺负老实人,老实人要是生气了,逼急了,也很厉害;兔子急了还咬人 -
date her 连读
I'm kicking myself for 后悔做什么;真想抽自己;嘴太贱了
sign up for Eric's morning reading. 真后悔报名参加Eric 的晨读 -
Old fame 老相好;
she still has the hots for me -
I don't want open a can of worms 开工没有回头箭
It's a recipe for disaster 有事的;会出事的 -
If I call her
If I don't call her -
let you off the hook 放我一马;cut me some slack
I am not hot on
interested in 不感兴趣
She is really hot on English -
Caught you off the guard 猝不及防
Malaysia 马来西亚
My mum's always on my case about not eating breakfast. 我妈总是为不吃早餐的事唠叨
My boss has really been on my case lately 我老板最近真的是老是找我的茬呀
Wait Wait no