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2018-08-24 TOEFL Writing 10天突破新托

2018-08-24  本文已影响0人  suntarliarzn

A child miseducated is a child lost.
                                             -------John F. Kennedy

children and youth/adolescent/teenager cn. 青少年
students appraise/evaluate their teachers' performance 学生评价老师教学
appraise vt. [formal] to form an opinion about how successful, effective etc someone or something is
well-rounded/versatile adj. 多功能的,多才多艺的
self-discipline un.自律
parenting n.家庭教育
be proficient in doing sth./ at sth. 对...很熟练
have proficiency in doing sth./with sth. 对...很熟练
mastery of sth. 对...掌握
litercy un. the ability to read and write
numeracy un. basic skills in mathematics <br />eg. Teachers have been asked to concentrate on literacy and numeracy.
uplifting adj. making you feel happier or more hopeful
spoil vt.溺爱,宠爱;vi.(食物)变质
juvenile delinquency = youth crime un.青少年犯罪
juvenile delinquent cn.少年犯
truancy = cutclass = skip/drop out of school un.(正)逃课;玩忽职守
imaprt/inculcate knowledge 传授知识
impart impart something to something: Cooking on charcoal imparts a distinctive smoky flavour to your meat.
inculcate to fix an idea or belief firmly in someone’s mind, especially by repeating it often
instill Parents work hard to develop, or instill, positive beliefs and values in their children.
give the studnets inspiration 启发学生灵感
students'grasp/command of what has been taught 学生对老师所教知识的掌握
force-feed the students 填鸭式教育
extinguish/stifle/constrain creativity 限制创造力的发展
dampen/sap the students' enthusiasm 打击学生积极性
dampen vt.to make something such as a feeling or hope less strong
eg. Not even defeat could dampen the enthusiasm of his supporters.
sap vt.to make someone feel weak
eg. Both teams were sapped by the heat.
beget/creat undue pressure 产生不必要的压力
beget vt. [formal] to cause something to happen or be created
undue adj.[pre-noun] not necessary or reasonable
indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief n.不守规矩
maintain/impose discipline 守规矩
be up to/get up to mischief (=do something bad): The boys are always up to some mischief or other.
get into mischief (=start behaving badly): He got into mischief the moment he left school.
disruptive/unruly students 不守规矩的学生
unruly very difficult to control
unruly children
stimulating adj. making you feel interested
She found her new job challenging and stimulating.
stumulate vt.to encourage something to happen, develop, or improve
eg. The government should do more to stimulate investment in the north
autonomy un.the power to make your own decisions
eg.New regulations have severely restricted the autonomy of doctors.
edify To edify is to help someone understand, whether it is books that edify those who want to learn a new language, or the explanations that hang beside paintings at a museum that edify visitors who aren't familiar with the artist.
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