焱武记:Day 246(补记)

2018-12-25  本文已影响4人  hmisty

1224 Mon
8:30 get up.
morning: work out the customer leads and shared with Rose.
still feeling depression so decided to have a shower.
after lunch: 5km long walk.
got Barbie's message saying due to the X'mas holidays let's follow up with the advisor stuff after holidays. I replied good.
when back home, I caught up with the start-up diaries until 16:45.
Jianshu platform said I posted too many articles today and I can only try again to post this one tmr.

the most important things are to make something for Xuebei and get prepared for Hongqiang meeting.

17:00-22:00 Merry Xmas letter & distribute.
22:00-0:40 XB idea proposal PPT.


