2019-05-30 IELTS 17 政府免学费
Receiving a university education is important to many people, because they can find employment easily in the future. Those people who support government spending on education think that some students do not enrol because of learning costs. My view is that students' personal situations should be considered, before the government decides whether to offer free education.
Free tuition is the key to bridging the gap between haves and have-nots. Many students, especially those from low income familiesm cannot afford educational expenses, and because of the lack of skills and knowledge, they are at a disadvantage in terms of educational opportunities and career development. By contrast, children of higher socioeconomic status are more likely to learn the lastest technology at university and find well-paid jobs eventually. The widening income gap may threaten social stability, and free education is one solution to this problem.
Higher participation rates in tertiary education are also vital to economia development, because education can improve productivity. University students can acquire some skills such as computer skills at university and complete tasks efficiently in the workplace. Since they have a good understanding of different subjects, they can improve their problem-solving abilities as well. A country can embrace many opportunities for economic prosperity with a well-educated workforce.
While the financial support from the government can encourage young people to pursue a degree, it can impose a burden on taxpayers in the long term. Free education may be a reason why many students are reluctant to complete their courses and enter the workforce at the earliest date. Governments may not be support some equally important services such as primary and secondary education.
To summarise, the government should provide financial support according ro students' needs to ensure that the younger generation can have access to education. Students from deprived backgrounds should be exempt from tuition fees, while the abolition of tuition for all students is not realistic.