
2020-06-04  本文已影响0人  Pentacle_V



implored 恳求

upon reflection 再考虑后

be caught up in 卷入

raucous 刺耳的

retrace 折回,返回

call a hal lt to 暂停

jeering 嘲笑

grotesque shapes 怪诞的

puppeteer 傀儡师

marionette 牵线木偶

voluminous drawers 巨大的

his head flopping limply from side to side 无力地

blundering through 踉踉跄跄地走过

reverberating around 回响

hither and thither 到处,四处

knickers 灯笼短裤,女士短衬裤

vociferously 吵闹地

a clump of bushes 一堆

labour to 努力……

raw deal 不公平的待遇

be bossed around 被老板左右的

prop up 支持,支撑

edgily 紧张不安地

unperturbed 镇定的

a gaggle of 一群散乱的

pull down 挥霍,毁坏

buoyant 活泼的

his splayed feet 张开的

slouch over 懒散地走

protrude from 伸出

etch 刻划

grisly 可怕的

register one fact 反应过来,完全符合

curt voice 简短的

taut with rage 崩紧

scrubby brown beard 短小的,矮小的

Come off it! 住口,闭嘴,别吹牛了!

That's clause 条款

take his silence for assent 赞同

tremulously 发抖地

all the same 任然是,尽管如此,一直如此,没变化没差别

looking unimpressed 不以为然的,无动于衷的

shaking convulsively 痉挛性地

red-handed 现行犯的,已在作案的

looking-discomfited 左右为难的

the real culprit 犯人,凶手,作案者

rest assured 放心,确信无疑

prostrate herself at 拜倒下来

levitate 使……漂浮,悬浮

contaminate his overshined shoes 弄脏

their progress was impeded 受阻

surge forwards 猛地涌向

bleed profusely 大量地

sport a bloody nose 留着

be none the wiser 依旧不知道,一直不知道

expressly told her 明确地

have up 招来,请来

run amok 乱来,横冲直撞

pompously 傲慢地

wince 抽动一下

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