

2019-01-10  本文已影响1人  红豆妮的英语笔记本


1. nebulous ['nebjʊləs] 朦胧的; 模糊的

ADJ If you describe something as nebulous, you mean that it is vague and not clearly defined or not easy to describe. 

But the offer combines some real concessions, like lower tariffs, with nebulous promises that will be hard to ensure China sticks to its commitments.


2. wiggle out of 逃避

Many American officials and businesses complain that China has long wiggled out of commitments — accusations that China denies.


3. amp up 放大,加大

the administration is poised to raise American tariffs on $200 billion a year in Chinese-made goods on March 2, amping up the trade war at a time when China faces rapidly softening growth and the American economy is facing headwinds.


4. placate /pləˈkeɪt/ 安抚

V-T If you placate someone, you do or say something to make them stop feeling angry.

The efforts, Beijing believes, will help the Chinese economy even as they placate President Trump.


5. moot 无实际意义的 [美国英语]

ADJ If a subject or question is moot, it has no practical importance.

As with many laws in China, it could also be moot if local governments decide not to enforce it or if penalties are not stiff enough.


6. discretionary /dɪˈskrɛʃənərɪ/ 酌情决定的

ADJ Discretionary things are not fixed by rules but are decided on by people in authority, who consider each individual case.


Magistrates were given wider discretionary powers.


7. succinct /səkˈsɪŋkt/ 简明的

ADJ Something that is succinct expresses facts or ideas clearly and in few words.

Chinese laws and regulations are often succinct

8. diligently adv. 勤奋地;勤勉地

9. enigmatic 神秘难解的

ADJ Someone or something that is enigmatic is mysterious and difficult to understand.

10. move the needle 取得重大成效、产生显著或积极影响,改观

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