Teaching Diary of Sunday School
Attended Students:9
Attendance Record:
John (34) Beatrice (34) Ethan (18) Bea (13) Alfonso (13) Riley (29) Jordane (28) Jacob (17) Jaden (17)
Unattended students: 3
Atarah (4) Eliot (27) Camila (11)
Cici (sing songs ) Hilde (Catechism) George (Bible Story)
Rashel : Game Cici: (Coordinator)
Classroom: Room 304
The content of the class
1:Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory to be. )
John led the prayer. We prayed for Jacob& Jaden , Riley & Jordane's father.
2: Sing songs 《 Dying You Destroyed Our Death》
3:Catechism Sacrament of Eucharist
The four parts of Holy mass are:
1: The proclamation of the Word of God.
2: The thanksgiving to the Father.
3: The confession of the gifts.
4: The reception of Holy Communion.
4: Bible Story Jacob the Deceiver
Jacob and Esau are twins. Esau sold his birth right to Jacob for food. Jacob deceived his father to get the blessing. He was deceived by his uncle Laban too.
5: Game ( Make Paper Stars )
Fold the paper to make stars.
6: Notes.
We celebrated the birthday for Mia. Her mother prepared the cake,drinks and snacks for the kids.