笔记18 Success Secret 18 Take exc

2021-03-21  本文已影响0人  greenorchid

The key to happiness is a sound mind in a sound body.


First,set a goal to live to be at least 80 years old.

Then,look at your current health habits and ask yourself whether or not the way youare living today is going to get you to the age of 80 in great shape.

There are three keys to living a long, happy, healthy life. The first is proper weight. Set a goal to get your weight under control and then remain lean and fit

for the rest of your life. There is a five-word formula for weight loss and physical fitness. It is simply this: “Eat less andexercise more.”

Thesecond key is proper diet, and the key to a proper diet is to eat better foodsand fewer of them. Eat more lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

Thethird key to long life is proper exercise. This requires that you engage invigorous physical activity approximately 200 minutes per week or an average of30 minutes per day.

Thiscommitment to health requires tremendous self-mastery, self-control, and self-discipline,but the payoff can be extraordinary.


Identify one health habit that you need to develop to enjoyhigher levels of health and energy. Perhaps it is eliminating desserts altogether.Then, set this as a personal challenge and resolve to discipline yourself untilyour new health habit is firmly entrenched.

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