
2019-11-19  本文已影响0人  筑梦之队







Golang Version

const (
    INIT_TRIE_CHILDREN_NUM = 128 // Since we need to deal all kinds of language, so we use 128 instead of 26

// trieNode data structure
// trieNode itself doesn't have any value. The value is represented on the path
type trieNode struct {
    // if this node is the end of a word
    isEndOfWord bool

    // the collection of children of this node
    children map[rune]*trieNode

// Create new trieNode
func newtrieNode() *trieNode {
    return &trieNode{
        isEndOfWord: false,
        children:    make(map[rune]*trieNode, INIT_TRIE_CHILDREN_NUM),
// Match index object
type matchIndex struct {
    start int // start index
    end   int // end index

// Construct from scratch
func newMatchIndex(start, end int) *matchIndex {
    return &matchIndex{
        start: start,
        end:   end,

// Construct from existing match index object
func buildMatchIndex(obj *matchIndex) *matchIndex {
    return &matchIndex{
        start: obj.start,
        end:   obj.end,
// dfa util
type DFAUtil struct {
    // The root node
    root *trieNode

func (this *DFAUtil) insertWord(word []rune) {
    currNode := this.root
    for _, c := range word {
        if cildNode, exist := currNode.children[c]; !exist {
            cildNode = newtrieNode()
            currNode.children[c] = cildNode
            currNode = cildNode
        } else {
            currNode = cildNode

    currNode.isEndOfWord = true

// Check if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix.
func (this *DFAUtil) startsWith(prefix []rune) bool {
    currNode := this.root
    for _, c := range prefix {
        if cildNode, exist := currNode.children[c]; !exist {
            return false
        } else {
            currNode = cildNode

    return true

// Searc and make sure if a word is existed in the underlying trie.
func (this *DFAUtil) searcWord(word []rune) bool {
    currNode := this.root
    for _, c := range word {
        if cildNode, exist := currNode.children[c]; !exist {
            return false
        } else {
            currNode = cildNode

    return currNode.isEndOfWord

// Searc a whole sentence and get all the matcing words and their indices
// Return:
// A list of all the matc index object
func (this *DFAUtil) searcSentence(sentence string) (matchIndexList []*matchIndex) {
    start, end := 0, 1
    sentenceRuneList := []rune(sentence)

    // Iterate the sentence from the beginning to the end.
    startsWith := false
    for end <= len(sentenceRuneList) {
        // Check if a sensitive word starts with word range from [start:end)
        // We find the longest possible path
        // Then we check any sub word is the sensitive word from long to short
        if this.startsWith(sentenceRuneList[start:end]) {
            startsWith = true
            end += 1
        } else {
            if startsWith == true {
                // Check any sub word is the sensitive word from long to short
                for index := end - 1; index > start; index-- {
                    if this.searcWord(sentenceRuneList[start:index]) {
                        matchIndexList = append(matchIndexList, newMatchIndex(start, index-1))
            start, end = end-1, end+1
            startsWith = false

    // If finishing not because of unmatching, but reaching the end, we need to
    // check if the previous startsWith is true or not.
    // If it's true, we need to check if there is any candidate?
    if startsWith {
        for index := end - 1; index > start; index-- {
            if this.searcWord(sentenceRuneList[start:index]) {
                matchIndexList = append(matchIndexList, newMatchIndex(start, index-1))


// Judge if input sentence contains some special caracter
// Return:
// Matc or not
func (this *DFAUtil) IsMatch(sentence string) bool {
    return len(this.searcSentence(sentence)) > 0

// Handle sentence. Use specified caracter to replace those sensitive caracters.
// input: Input sentence
// replaceCh: candidate
// Return:
// Sentence after manipulation
func (this *DFAUtil) HandleWord(sentence string, replaceCh rune) string {
    matchIndexList := this.searcSentence(sentence)
    if len(matchIndexList) == 0 {
        return sentence

    // Manipulate
    sentenceList := []rune(sentence)
    for _, matchIndexObj := range matchIndexList {
        for index := matchIndexObj.start; index <= matchIndexObj.end; index++ {
            sentenceList[index] = replaceCh

    return string(sentenceList)

// Create new DfaUtil object
// wordList:word list
func NewDFAUtil(wordList []string) *DFAUtil {
    this := &DFAUtil{
        root: newtrieNode(),

    for _, word := range wordList {
        wordRuneList := []rune(word)
        if len(wordRuneList) > 0 {

    return this
import (

func TestIsMatch(t *testing.T) {
    sensitiveList := []string{"中国", "中国人"}
    input := "我来自中国cd"

    util := NewDFAUtil(sensitiveList)
    if util.IsMatch(input) == false {
        t.Errorf("Expected true, but got false")

func TestHandleWord(t *testing.T) {
    sensitiveList := []string{"中国", "中国人"}
    input := "我来自中国cd"

    util := NewDFAUtil(sensitiveList)
    newInput := util.HandleWord(input, '*')
    expected := "我来自**cd"
    if newInput != expected {
        t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s", expected, newInput)

C# Version

    /// <summary>
    /// TrieNode data structure
    /// TrieNode itself doesn't have any value. The value is represented on the path
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class TrieNode
        /// <summary>
        /// if this node is the end of a word
        /// </summary>
        public Boolean IsEndOfWord { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// the collection of children of this node
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary<Char, TrieNode> Children = new Dictionary<Char, TrieNode>();
    /// <summary>
    /// Match index object
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class MatchIndex
        /// <summary>
        /// start index
        /// </summary>
        public Int32 Start { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// end index
        /// </summary>
        public Int32 End { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// construct from scratch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">start index</param>
        /// <param name="end">end index</param>
        public MatchIndex(Int32 start, Int32 end)
            this.Start = start;
            this.End = end;

        /// <summary>
        /// construct from existing match index object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">existing match index object</param>
        public MatchIndex(MatchIndex other)
            this.Start = other.Start;
            this.End = other.End;
    /// <summary>
    /// Dfa util
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class DFAUtil
        /// <summary>
        /// The root node
        /// </summary>
        private readonly TrieNode Root = new TrieNode();

        /// <summary>
        /// Create new DfaUtil object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wordList">word list</param>
        public DFAUtil(IEnumerable<String> wordList)
            foreach (var word in wordList)
                Char[] chArr = word.ToCharArray();
                if (chArr.Length > 0)

        private void InsertWord(Char[] word)
            var currNode = this.Root;
            foreach (var ch in word)
                if (currNode.Children.ContainsKey(ch) == false)
                    var childNode = new TrieNode();
                    currNode.Children[ch] = childNode;
                    currNode = childNode;
                    currNode = currNode.Children[ch];

            currNode.IsEndOfWord = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prefix">prefix</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean StartsWith(Char[] prefix)
            var currNode = this.Root;
            foreach (var c in prefix)
                if (currNode.Children.ContainsKey(c) == false)
                    return false;
                    currNode = currNode.Children[c];

            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Search and make sure if a word is existed in the underlying trie.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="word">The char array of a word</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Boolean SearchWord(Char[] word)
            var currNode = this.Root;
            foreach (var c in word)
                if (currNode.Children.ContainsKey(c) == false)
                    return false;
                    currNode = currNode.Children[c];

            return currNode.IsEndOfWord;

        /// <summary>
        /// Search a whole sentence and get all the matching words and their indices
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sentence">Input sentence</param>
        /// <returns>A list of all the match index object</returns>
        private List<MatchIndex> SearchSentence(String sentence)
            var start = 0;
            var end = 1;
            List<MatchIndex> matchIndexList = new List<MatchIndex>();

            // Iterate the sentence from the beginning to the end.
            var startsWith = false;
            Char[] sentenceChArr = sentence.ToCharArray();
            while (end <= sentenceChArr.Length)
                // Check if a sensitive word starts with word range from [start:end)
                // We find the longest possible path
                // Then we check any sub word is the sensitive word from long to short
                if (this.StartsWith(sentenceChArr.Skip(start).Take(end - start).ToArray()))
                    startsWith = true;
                    if (startsWith)
                        // Check any sub word is the sensitive word from long to short
                        for (var index = end - 1; index > start; index--)
                            if (this.SearchWord(sentenceChArr.Skip(start).Take(index - start).ToArray()))
                                matchIndexList.Add(new MatchIndex(start, index - 1));
                    start = end - 1;
                    end = end + 1;
                    startsWith = false;

            // If finishing not because of unmatching, but reaching the end, we need to 
            // check if the previous startsWith is true or not.
            // If it's true, we need to check if there is any candidate?
            if (startsWith)
                for (var index = end - 1; index > start; index--)
                    if (this.SearchWord(sentenceChArr.Skip(start).Take(index - start).ToArray()))
                        matchIndexList.Add(new MatchIndex(start, index - 1));

            return matchIndexList;

        /// <summary>
        /// Judge if input sentence contains some special character
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sentence">Input sentence</param>
        /// <returns>Match or not</returns>
        public Boolean IsMatch(String sentence)
            List<MatchIndex> matchIndexList = this.SearchSentence(sentence);
            if (matchIndexList.Count > 0)
                return true;

            // Filter some fixed sensitive character
            return StringUtil.IfHaveSpecialChar(sentence);

        /// <summary>
        /// Handle sentence. Use specified character to replace those sensitive characters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sentence">Input sentence</param>
        /// <param name="replaceCh">candidate</param>
        /// <returns>Sentence after manipulation</returns>
        public String HandleWord(String sentence, Char replaceCh)
            List<MatchIndex> matchIndexList = this.SearchSentence(sentence);
            if (matchIndexList.Count == 0)
                return sentence;

            // Manipulate
            Char[] chArr = sentence.ToCharArray();
            foreach (var item in matchIndexList)
                for (var i = item.Start; i <= item.End; i++)
                    chArr[i] = replaceCh;

            return new String(chArr);
public static void Test1()
        String[] sensitiveWordList = { "中国", "中国人" };
        String input = "我来自中国cd";

        DFAUtil util = new DFAUtil(sensitiveWordList);
        Console.WriteLine(util.HandleWord(input, '*'));


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