Black Beauty 阅读笔记(1)
1.Go by the common and the Highwood, and back by the watermill and the river.That will show how fast he can go.
"by" 在此处作介词,在词句中指“经过、经由”。介绍John的遛马路线,去时经过公共草地和乔木丛,然后从水磨和河边再回来。意思是这样溜达一圈,测测马儿的实力如何。
"by" 作为介绍还有两个意思:
①“在什么旁边,接近”:Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window.
②“某处停留”:We had made arrangement to stop by her house in Pacific Grove.
2.He was very particular in adjusting the straps. He wanted to fit my head comfortably.
"be particular about sth/doing sth":对…挑剔。
3.When we were on the common, he gave me a light touch with his whip, and we had a splendid run.
"gave me a light touch":在此处译为“轻轻地抽了我一下”
4.They stopped, John jumped off.
"jump off":在此处是跳下来的意思
它还有“开始、出发”意思:The attack will jump off at dawn.
5.Also there were some people shooting rabbits near the Highwood, and a gun went off close by. He pulled up a little and looked, but did not move a step to right or left.
"go off":在这里指 (枪)被发射;突然发出声响
"close by":副词,在附近
"pull up":在这里指 (使)…停住
6.It's my opinion that he has not been frightened or ill-used while he was young.
7."He is exactly what John said", he replied, "a friendly creature I never wish to mount …"
"never wish to do":从未想过
8.When he brushed my head, he went careful over my eyes as if they were his own, and never made me angry.
"as if":好像
9.She did her work honestly, and did her full share.
"share":这里指 “应做的、应承担的”
"do one's full share":某人做了自己该做的那部分
10.After we had been out two or three times together, we grew quite friendly, which made me feel very much at home.
"be/feel at home":固定短语,(想在家一样)舒适自在,无拘无束
另一种意思是 “驾轻就熟,运用自如”,后面通常接"with":
Practice using the video until you feel quite at home with it.
11.The freedom to do what we liked was so pleasant.
"the freedom to do what we liked":做我们喜欢的事的自由
12.We ran, lay down, rolled over on our backs, and ate a little of the sweet grass.
"on" 在这里作介词,表示“(身体重量)由(某部分)支撑”
在这里"rolled over on our backs"就是打滚的意思,因为要用背部去支撑自己的身体,所以用"on".
The baby girl was on her hands and knees in the bathroom.
13.关于 "lie" 和 "lay":
lie lying lay lain 躺下;位于
lie lying lied lied 撒谎
lay laying laid laid 放置;下蛋