
2021-06-08  本文已影响0人  Roberto_Lv


The opening melody of Ludini's trumpet concerto is virtually identical to the opening melody of Bortelli's fifteenth violin concerto. The concerts were composed within a decade of each other, but in what order is not known. Ludini did, however, frequently adopt themes from other composers. Moreover, the melody at issue, while natural to play on a violin, is only awkwardly managed on a trumpet. Thus it is likely that Ludini's concerto was composed after Bortelli's.

先来看这一段论证,仔细的同学可以发现,结论是Ludini抄了Bortelli(L受到了B的影响),而原文所给的前提是:Ludini和Bortelli高度相似。 简单说就是:A和B太像了,所以肯定是一个抄的另一个。



B. 假设: A和B像,而像的都是抄的,所以A肯定抄的B(充分假设);A和B像,且不可能有别的原因导致A和B像,所以是A抄的B(必要假设)

C. 加强: 有哪个条件成立会让我更加相信是抄袭导致他们像(直接加强);有哪个条件排除了别的非抄袭的原因 (间接加强)

D. 评价:问句回答是或否可以加强或削弱原文

其实,对于这四种问法,我的观点是,学好削弱是基础,要知道我们所说的being critical的一个关键品质就是能提出合理的质疑。比如,就这个论证而言,要想削弱,那我们就得去向:A和B像,有没有可能是因为他们都受到了C的影响(如同《食神》里周星星和唐牛炒菜技术如此像,最后发现原来都是从少林寺那个法号叫“梦遗"的大师学的厨艺)。




Which of the following, if true, most strengthen the argument?

 A. Even trumpet themes that are almost certainly Ludini's own are somewhat awkward to play. 

B. Ludini's trumpet concerto was transcribed for flute by a pupil of Bortelli's 

C. The melody at issue occurs only in the Ludini and Bortelli's concertos.

D. Ludini is known to have composed of a number of duets for violin and trumpet.

E. In general, melodies natural for the trumpet are awkward to play on the violin.



1. The Thorvald epic was transmitted orally  until the early 1300s, when it was written down. Three manuscripts of the epic survive from the 1300s. The latest of these manuscripts, mad in the mid-1300s, has an episode that is not in the second manuscript, but that occurs in the earliest of the three manuscripts in virtually the same words. Therefore, the third manuscripts was probably copied from the first or from a now lost copy of the first. 

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?

A. Whoever produced the second manuscript did not deliberately omit the missing episode.

B. The earliest of the surviving manuscripts was not the first manuscripts ever made of Thorvald. 

C. The texts of the first and the third surviving manuscripts do not derive from the text of a manuscripts, now lost, that precede them both. 

D. The first manuscripts was copied at most once before the third manuscript was made. 

E. The episode that is missing from the second manuscript was not invented by whoever produced the first manuscript. 

2. There are many structural and thematic similarities between Piers Plowman by Langland (1330-1400) and House of Fame by Chaucer (1342-1400), two Middle English poems relating  dream visions. Some critics have argued that because a number of the shared elements are uncommon in Middle English poetry, and because Langland’s poem probably predates Chaucer’s by a few years, Chaucer was most likely influenced by Piers Plowman when writing House of Fame.

Which of the following, if true,most seriously weakens the critics’ argument?

A.Piers Plowman is one of Langland’s major works, whereas House of Fame is a minor work of Chaucer’s.

B.House of Fame survives in only three manuscript copies, substantially fewer than the number of manuscript copies that exist of Piers Plowman.

C. Because Piers Plowman became a well-known work in its day, it is likely that the similarities between it and House of Fame were detected by many of the people who read House of Fame soon after Chaucer wrote it.

D. Many of the themes and structures of Piers Plowman are also found in Latin, Italian, French works with which Chaucer could well have been familiar.

E. There is no evidence that Chaucer and Langland ever met or that they corresponded with each other about literary topics.

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