
2017-11-28  本文已影响77人  计算士

Four times
That man was kicking the door, hitting my mom,
the thin, wood door stood between me and her
and my skinny mom stood between the door and my furious father
My mom, who pushed away my drunk, yelling father
and locked the door behind her, was shouting
Get into a good university and never come back !

three dollars
My mom took them out from an old envelope hided deeply in the drawer
When I was complaining about with the dinner
And my father yelled at me: "we wouldn't even get this shit next year !"
My mom left and came back home with a bowl of tasty dumpling soup
After years, I learnt my parents lost their jobs, like millions of others in the nation
and I did not quite know what it means by then

two doors
I turned around and saw them on a giant iron box in green
When my friend said look, your parents bring home something big !
Several adults were moving it, obviously, it was heavy
Walking behind the box were my smiling mom and dad
This man lift me up
let me sit on his right shoulder
He said:"Little Wu, you know what is this ? It is a refrigerator!"
his shoulder was so broad and I feel safe
I can see far away from there

one dream
only one dream is allowed in the land I am from
Two hundred years
That's the time America took to have a 10 trillion dollars GDP
forty years
That's the time China spent
Have you ever wonder why ?
Just last week, one hundred thousand low-income people were kicked out of their home in Beijing
Because they can provide no more values for this great city and their living place didn't look good
It all happened in an ice freezing night, and they have to sleep on the street with their kids,
their kids, I wonder, when they grow up,
would become another Chinese good at math,
just like me

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