
绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】20/21实践原创 音乐戏剧游戏《Th

2018-04-16  本文已影响41人  丁点儿教育

  白天工作坊学习 &晚上阅读活动实践perfect day , isn’t it ?

Part One: Warm up


Rain Rain go away ,

Come again another day ,

Little Johnny want to play ,

Rain Rain away ...

( 今天轮Amy 小老师带着大家Warm up ,暖身活动,效果还不错哈)

Everybody , sing with me

Part two: Lead in

okay , alright (take out the book and show the cover to our little kids ),

T: what do you see from the picture ?

S: A cat , (sounds interaction ) , a spider ( action interaction ) ,

T: that ‘s great and let ‘s try to say hello to our cat and spider coming  and play with us okay ?

( 带着孩子们 一起,用两只老虎的儿歌曲调,编了以下歌词……)

Hello cat, Hello spider !

how are you , how are you ?

What are you doing ?

Come and play ~


Hello cat,hello spider

T: Very very good !

Okay , let ‘s have a look what happen for our friends —Cat and spider ( 重复输入 )

Part Three:Story time

此次的reading 是采取 reading +action 的结合 (Attract kids attention ),

1st Reading (Teacher )

2nd Action ( Teacher and kids together )

Do it part by part with above lesson design

~ Keywords: Spider climb up the waterspout ,down can the rain and wash the spider out .

Spider climbing up

Keywords: Out came the sun ~孩子们演升起的太阳…)

The sunrising

Keywords: the sun dried up all the rain, and the Italy’s bitsy spider climb up the spout again ~

Down came the rain ~


Part Four: 完美收宫(手指谣唱起来…)

The itsy bitsy spider, went up the waterspout ,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,

And the itsy bitsy spider went up spout again.

La la la la la ....

Itsy bitsy spider Out came the sun Readinf continue...

  这次给孩子们的实践主要运用了即兴音乐及戏剧游戏渗透的手法 ,提升孩子们对语言的好感度及活动的参与度…希望孩子们能在快乐及润物细无声中习得语言及表演呈现能力 。

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