讲解:NIT5130、Database Analysis、C++

2020-01-10  本文已影响0人  guzuluo

NIT5130: Database Analysis and DesignAssignmentSemester 1, 2019 Campus: SydneyDue Date: Week 11 –Scenario for assignmentSuppose the Victoria University, International Office (IO) needs a database to assist simple andfast data entry and print reports. The key information is collected from the students during theirenrolment. In order to make this process fast and easy for the students, the data entry has to beas capable as possible. If the data entry takes too long the student may become unconcerned injoining the university.The director at IO requires reporting features to facilitate them to help with rostering, roles andmembership email lists. Some such reports include: organising a roster for the volunteers, findingall of the people interested in organizing a social function, printing a list of contacts etc. This will beachieved by creating a database using PhPMyAdmin and WordPress (for forms and reportsdesign) and making use of supporting features like: forms, queries and reports. A user manual isnecessary to this project as the managers are novice computer users and will require assistancefor using the database.IO BackgroundIO, as the acronym recommends, is planned to help the students by providing a friendly placewhere they can meet other part-time or full-time students. Facilities and services include: a pooltable, tea and coffee, a kitchen, few games and a number of social events for the students toattend. If the students have an hour break among classes then they can come to the IO loungeand relax on the couches, play pool, chat over a coffee and so on. In regard for these facilities tostay hygienic and well maintained, certain rosters are set up for the student members. Theserosters are generated from the database of students wishing to volunteer for a particular job orjobs. From time to time notices and documents are sent out to the members to remind them oftheir allocated duties and to inform them of upcoming events and activities.VU SydneyA range of jobs that need to be accomplished at the IO lounge require volunteers to completecertain tasks like, washing windows, vacuuming floors, mopping etc, and these may need to bedone at certain times of the day and/or week. IO would like the database to keep track of the tasksrequired in each job. They would also like a record of who does what job on what day and whetherit was completed or not. Moreover, University faculties, schools and the course, that students arein, are very significant to IO so that they can categorize people into study groups and formentoring purposes. A new member can be introduced to people doing the same course or in thesame faculty or school. IO would like the database entry screens to be designed for simple andeasy navigation of information in the database. The first screen should contain contact details. Thesecond screen should be about what IO can do for them, and the third screen should be what thestudent can do for IO.How IO process worksAt the time of enrolment, the interested students fill out a form giving their contact details to IO.They also indicate whether they would like to help out in the duties involved within the university.The databases are updated with new members every year. This guarantees that the currentdatabase is up-to-date. Reports are then generated from the database that helps the IO teamsynchronize and locate volunteers.The database reports make it easy and simple to generate rosters, mailing lists, organise socialfunctions and meet nutritional needs of the students. IO would like the make the data entry assimple and easy as possible for the student enrolment. They would like the reports to be easy toproduce. They also recommended that each school in the university should be linked to itsassociated Faculty. So that somebody cannot enter “Faculty of Information Technology” and“School of Law” as this is incorrect.Task 1: Database Modelling (Total marks: 50%)1.1. Develop an Entity Relationship (ER) model to characterize the information requirements ofbusiness illustrates in the case study mentioned above. The diagram of your ER modelmust: -Marks: 25%A. Demonstrate all necessary entitiesB. Demonstrate all attributesC. The relationships between entitiesVU SydneyD. Demonstrate unique identifiers and nature of interaction among entities1.2. Discovered business rules for your ERD -Marks: 5%1.3. Map the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) into a set of relations in at least Third NormalForm (3NF). You should show that each relation satisfies the rules for 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF.-Marks: 20%For example STUDENT (StudentID, FirstName, SecondName, Phone). This relation is in 1NF as itdoes not contain any repeating groups and show primarykey.Data dictionary:Your report you must also include a data dictionary. You should brNIT5130作业代写、代写Database Analysis作业、代做C++编程设计作业、代写Java/Python语iefly describe all entities andattributes are included, descriptions are clear, reasonable field formats, etc. For example,“pool-table”VU SydneyTask 2: Database Implementation (Total Marks: 50%)A. Implement your data dictionary to create a relational database in PhPMyAdmin.B. Populate the database with sample data. Adequate sample data must be included to showthat the queries, view(s), and report(s) work properlyC. Design the following three forms and two reports, requiring a separate query to assureevery of the following information needs:1. A Student information entry form2. A form to allow the director to change Member details and update the job and rosterinformation without losing data integrity3. A report that prints the students address details4. A form for the director to fill in the jobs for the up-coming week with the volunteersavailable5. A report that lists all of the people with particular dietary requirements so that thiscan be given to the chef before social functionsGrades DescriptionGrade DescriptionA Confirmed a clear understanding of the concepts and issues applicable to thetasks, and their wider implications, in a substantiated view that was organised andcohesive. Demonstrated a very high level of scholarship. Used fluent andpersuasive language with assurance and precision, to achieve a highly effectivecommunication with the reader.B Demonstrated understanding of the complexities of the concepts and issuesrelevant to the tasks. Achieved effective selection and ordering of ideas.Demonstrated a high level of scholarship. Presented a view on the proposition withconfidence, using fluent and persuasive languageC Recognized major aspects of the tasks. Demonstrated an adequate level ofscholarship. Achieved a coherent ordering of ideas and expressed a view in clearand accurate languageD Recognized some aspects of the tasks. Demonstrated some evidence ofscholarship. Presented some ideas relevant to the proposition. Demonstratedadequate organisation and language controlVU SydneySubmission details: LATE SUBMISSIONS will NOT be accepted. Total marks 100, worth 15% assessment for the subject. Submission due date: Week 11 –Information of your Group Members Identify the members of your team with full names and student numbers. Groups are toconsist of three to four members only. Regulate your own group efforts. Any problems that arise, such as group members notcontributing a fair amount of the work, must be resolved within the group. Lecturer andtutors will not intervene – so select your group members carefully.Submission Procedures and Required FormatYour team’s assignment report is to be written in English, on A4 pages. The report should bewritten in clear, plain language, so that non-experts can easily understand it. Your report should beaddressed to the Managing Director of your proposed organisation, and should briefly re-state thetasks you were required to perform and detail the material produced. Include brief instructions onhow to view your system structures, design and implemented. Please note that the ManagingDirector is familiar with computers, but has a very limited understanding of technologies such asPhPMyAdmin and WordPress. Attach all relevant designs and support materials in an appendix.Assignment submission will be online to VU Collaborate, your lecturer will guide you further aboutthe process. All sources quoted in your report should be detailed in a Reference Section.The report must be your own group’s work, i.e., it must be the result of your own reading, thoughtand discussion, and the expression of the ideas must be yours.The submitted work will therefore comprise:a) Your group’s reportb) Relevant designs and support material VU Sydneyc) Sources detailed in a reference sectiond) Declaration form (See Appendix A)Report writing Assignment cover page (must include, group names, student ID’s, subject name, yourwebsite name, lecturer name) Introduction of your database system Summary of database included functions Database screen shots and their descriptions References (if any)VU SydneyAppendix ADeclaration FormSubject Name:Subject Code:Campus:Lecturer:Student Id ______________ Name _________________________________Student Id ______________ Name__________________________________Student Id ______________ Name__________________________________Student Id ______________ Name _________________________________Students’ DeclarationI hereby certify that I am an author of the submitted work bearing my name and studentidentification number.Signature ___________________ Date __________Signature ___________________ Date __________Signature ___________________ Date __________Signature ___________________ Date __________转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019052248576118.html


