程序媛的IOSReactNativeReact Native相关

React Native开发记录以及Code Push热更新(i

2016-05-30  本文已影响1171人  要安眠


一. React Native环境搭建及安装使用

  1. 安装nvm
$ brew install nvm 


$ brew install nvm 
  1. 安装node
$ brew install nvm 
$ node -v 
  1. 安装watchman
$ brew install watchman
$ watchman -v 
  1. 安装flow
$ brew install flow
  1. 安装reactNative
$ npm install -g react-native-cli
  1. 修改npm镜像
$ npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org 
$ npm info underscore
  1. 创建reactNative项目
$ react-native init ReactApp
  1. 启动http服务 "Debug Server", app通过Debug Server 加载js
$ npm start
$ react-native start


jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://%@:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true",@"[your ip here]"]];

[!]RCT文件报错file not found解决方法:

$ cd [项目根目录]
$ npm install

二. Code Push安装及使用
其实全部都在 Code Push文档里有详细教程,这里只是做下简述

  1. 安装codePush
1)$ npm install react-native-code-push --save
"dependencies": {
    "react-native-code-push": "^1.10.6-beta",
2) 在node_modules/react-native-code-push目录下找到CodePush.xcodeproj,添加至项目Libraries下
3) Build Phases => Link Binary With Libraries => 添加libCodePush.a和liz.tbd
4) Build Settings => Header Search Paths => 添加$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-code-push
  1. 注册codePush账户
$ code-push register  
//注册成功后会得到相应的access token
//注意终端里有提示需要输入刚生成的access token,输入,等待提示"Successfully logged-in"即可
  1. 添加codePush应用
$ code-push app add MakaReact
  1. 查看应用的环境信息
batong:~ lijing$ code-push deployment list MakaReact --format json
    "name": "Production",
    "key": "2MEpgNcTzjG7k4Jianwa6BXreHeq4yYjDRQQZ",
    "package": null
    "name": "Staging",
    "key": "sLLmtK1LuuQxmltE-dSdg3VMeqSi4yYjDRQQZ",
    "package": null
  1. 给应用添加测试环境
batong:~ lijing$ code-push deployment add MakaReact Developer
Successfully added the "Developer" deployment with key "X12ecPQBWQ_w3XolMHBMXuu9ZZHc4yYjDRQQZ" to the "MakaReact" app.
  1. 重新查看环境信息,可发现多了一项Developer
batong:~ lijing$ code-push deployment list MakaReact --format json
    "name": "Developer",
    "key": "X12ecPQBWQ_w3XolMHBMXuu9ZZHc4yYjDRQQZ",
    "package": null
    "name": "Production",
    "key": "2MEpgNcTzjG7k4Jianwa6BXreHeq4yYjDRQQZ",
    "package": null
    "name": "Staging",
    "key": "sLLmtK1LuuQxmltE-dSdg3VMeqSi4yYjDRQQZ",
    "package": null
  1. Info.plist文件里添加"CodePushDeploymentKey",值为响应环境的"key"值
  2. Info.plilst中"bundleVersion"的值需要具体指定到很小的版本号,如1.0.0,并且这个版本号在更新bundle的时候需要指定,以达到对应不同版本进行热更新的效果
  3. js文件加入热更新逻辑
import CodePush from "react-native-code-push";  
componentDidMount() {  
  1. 打包
batong:MakaReact lijing$ react-native bundle --platform ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ./codePush_ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ./codePush_ios --dev true
Unable to parse cache file. Will clear and continue.
[22:01:26] <START> Building Dependency Graph
[22:01:26] <START> Crawling File System
[22:01:27] <START> find dependencies
[22:01:30] <END>   Crawling File System (3990ms)
[22:01:30] <START> Building in-memory fs for JavaScript
[22:01:30] <END>   Building in-memory fs for JavaScript (251ms)
[22:01:30] <START> Building in-memory fs for Assets
[22:01:31] <END>   Building in-memory fs for Assets (198ms)
[22:01:31] <START> Building Haste Map
[22:01:31] <START> Building (deprecated) Asset Map
[22:01:31] <END>   Building (deprecated) Asset Map (92ms)
[22:01:31] <END>   Building Haste Map (358ms)
[22:01:31] <END>   Building Dependency Graph (4811ms)
transformed 659/659 (100%)
[22:01:47] <END>   find dependencies (20220ms)
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: ./codePush_ios/main.jsbundle
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Copying 33 asset files
bundle: Done copying assets
  1. 发布更新
batong:MakaReact lijing$ code-push release MakaReact -d Developer ./codePush_ios/main.jsbundle 1.0.0
Upload progress:[==================================================] 100% 0.0s
Successfully released an update containing the "./codePush_ios/main.jsbundle" file to the "Developer" deployment of the "MakaReact" app.
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