I should do something to heal th
I am doing a great thing to heal the world.There must be someone standing here to do something affecting all people and make the world beautiful.Andy lau, a famous singer, almost all people know him in China ,he has most fans in China.Michael jackson is the first singer in the world. Michael jackson personally invited Andy lau to sing.He is the only one in China.He has an Asian record that nobody can beyond him.He give a concert.This concert has about 130 thousand persons to watch.
The song called forgiven love ,I think everybody know it,except someone who is born after two thousand years. The compose is so wonderful that I think few popular song compose can compare with it at all.The compose is so excellent in commom that someone listens to it at the first time and everybody falls in love it and cannot forget it anymore.The compose is like river which flows and melts in your heart deeply.The song lyric is like ancient poetry.The sentence is symmetrical and has a beautiful draw sense.It describle everybodys go on the path and suffer some emotion problems truly.We need a cup of forgiven love water to forget unhappiness and go far.The original tune maybe a little low.But it can be a little high that everybody is adapt to it and listen to it comfortably and sing it well.The tune donot change fluently and everybody can sing it easily.This song is made for Andy lau 's feature and he can perform it so well.At the same time,because of his special superior voice and handsome figure,the song called forgiven love water be classcial and one represent of Chinese music world.Today most people ofen listen to the song called the forgiven love water ,especially when they donot have a good feeling.
So we must make a classcial English version.English is the first language in the world.The English song can spread in the world.The Englishsong called knowledge water must exist on the earth.Because it is like electircity and water.Nobody cannot leave without it.Because everyday meet troubles however you are rich and beautiful.trouble is your friend and only the thing is that we should face it bravely with a good altitude.
We should study ,work ,think,act to drink a cup of knowledge water instead of forgiven love water,which forgetting something is escaping the fact and not a good way, to have much knowledge and many skills and much talent and so on,so we do everything better and dream our dream and then have a good life.So this song must heal the world.It can take into every body and you have to have it.The lyric that I create modules the original China song's structure,story,meaning.It so fluently and I can sing it well with one breath whatever the rthymn is.If the compose creates newly,Andy lau sing with a good new kind,the mv is so moving,
Although He is a little old, We can make the voice and video perfect by scienceadvanced good means the song must be popular in the world besides other planets and affect everybody deeply and warmly.The moving story is so interesing,THe star is so handsome.The god close your door.You should look yourself carefully in the mirror and find yourself and find one path suitable for yourself to be successful.You work hard ,whatever you meet, you are positive,you have a lot of knowledge and skills to make your dream came true finally.It encourages everybody to effort.
At the same time,everybody should have a Buddhism style How difficultly and unsuccessfullyyou meet,donot break the social and donot abandon yourself.This song can decrease crimes and kill itself cases.The song must be born in order to make the social harmony.Of cause,I hope At least ten thousand thousand people will pay for intellectual property light for this song about two yuan.I want to earn money.But If it cannot earn money,I do it for charity.
So I must go to Hongkong Andy lau company to contact with them about this hard necessary song like food you must consume At once.Time is limited for everybody and Time doesnot wait for us.We must do it successfully these months.Because Andy lau give many concerts at the end of this year and next year.He donot have many time to deal with this thing.So I must finish it as soon as possible.I have a entering Hongkong permission certificate,but I join in the Huazi World group in failure twice.If you cannot join in the group,you cannot go to their company.So I need a parter with aHongkong permission certificate.I ask you to apply to Huazi world group and become a member.Then We go to Hongkong Andy lau'scompanytogether to communicate with them about this song called knowledge water.This is a chance for you.Maybe you can earn much money one day.So If you are interested and reply me at the first time.