You know, I'm thinking about letting Emma have her first cookie 我正在考虑让艾玛吃第一片饼干
Her first cookie? She has cookies all the time 第一片饼干?她一直都在吃饼干
I've never given her a cookie 我从没喂她吃过饼干
Have you? No 你有吗? 没有
No And for the record, I've also never given her frosting from a can 顺便一提,我也从没 给她吃过罐子袒的糖霜
Hey, Rach, the adoption agency needs letters of recommendation 瑞秋,领养仲介需要推荐函
and we wondered if you would write one for us? 我们想知道你能不能帮我们写
Of course I would be honored 当然,这是我的荣幸
Thanks Thank you 谢谢 谢谢你
I think there's been an oversight 我想应该是哪里出错了
Joe, we would have asked you We thought you wouldn't be interested 我们也会想要问你的 只是我们觉得你应该不会有兴趣
Yeah, it's just that we don't think of you as really being so much with the words 我们觉得你是那种不善表达的人
Clearly, we were wrong 很明显地,我们想错了
I got a lot of nice stuff to say about you guys, okay? 我有很多你们的好话可以写
And I know how much you want to have a baby 我知道你们多想要孩子
and I would love to help you get one 我很希望可以帮你们得到孩子
You know what? Then we want you to do it 那么就让你来做吧
Thank you All right Let me see how I'm gonna start 谢谢你们,好吧 我来想想该怎么开头
"Dear Baby Adoption Decider People " 〝亲爱的领养决定者诸公们〞
So excited about your letter 我们很期待你的信
Hey Hey, Phoebe 嘿 菲比
Wow, don't you look nice Yes, I do 你看起来真美 没错
Today's Mike and my oneyear anniversary 今天是麦克跟我的一周年纪念日
What's it the anniversary of? 是哪种纪念日?
Your first, uh, date, your first kiss, first time you had sex? 第一次约会、第一次接吻 你们第一次上床?
Yeah 全对
So you must be going somewhere fancy to celebrate 你们一定是要去豪华的地方庆祝
Uhhuh Um, a Knicks game 尼克队的比赛
Uh, ha, ha Aren't you a little overdressed? 你不会太盛装了吗?
Hey, I've never had a oneyear anniversary before 我从没有过一周年纪念
so no matter where we go, I'm wearing something fancy 所以不管去哪里 我都要穿最华丽的衣服
and I'm gonna put on my finest jewelry 戴上最棒的珠宝
and we're gonna have sex in a public restroom 还要在公共厕所袒面做
You guys do that? 你们会那么做吗?
Chandler won't even have sex in our bathroom 钱德连在我家厕所 都不愿意做
That's where people make number two 那是人们便便的地方
Hey Hey Hey 嘿 嘿
So, you know, I have a little time if you want to 你知道我有一点时间 如果你想要
Oh Oh I'd love to, but I really have to grade these papers 我很想,但我得改这些报告
Oh Fine It's fine 好吧
I'll just shower by myself 那我就自己去洗澡好了
B B B B B B、B、B Ross, you gave a B to a Pottery Barn catalog 你也给《陶瓷仓》目录B了
Well, it had some good ideas Take off your shirt 那上面的论点也挺有趣的 脱掉你的衣服
Damn it Rachel, open! It's your sister! 讨厌 瑞秋,开门,我是你妹妹
I have to talk to you 我要跟你谈谈
Hi, Amy 你好,艾美
You're not Rachel Still sharp as a tack 你不是瑞秋 你还是这样敏锐
Um, Charlie, this is Rachel's sister Amy Amy, this is Charlie 查莉,她是瑞秋的妹妹艾美 艾美,她是查莉
Hi Nice to meet you Hi, hi 幸会 你好
And you are? 你又是哪位?
Ross? I grew up on your block? 我是罗斯,小时候住在你家附近
We had Thanksgiving together last year? 我们去年一起吃成恩节晚餐?
I had a baby with your sister? 我跟你姐姐生了一个孩子
No I 不,我
Did I buy a falafel from you yesterday? 我昨天是不是 跟你买了一个沙拉三明治?
Yes Yes, you did 对,你跟我买的
Hi, Rachel Here's your sister Amy 瑞秋,你妹妹艾美来了
She thinks I need pec implants 她觉得我需要做胸肌填充手术
Amy? Hi 艾美?嗨
You remember Joey Yeah Hey, sure 你记得乔伊吧? 当然了
The Days of our Lives guy That's right, yeah 演《我们的日子》那家伙 没错
You are not good 你演得不好
Always nice to meet a fan 能遇见影迷总是不错
So, now, what are you doing here? I have huge news 你来这里做什么? 我有个大消,皂
Hold on Let me check on the baby This is important Can't Ella wait? 等等,我去看看宝宝 这很重要,艾拉不能等等吗?
Uh, her name is Emma 她叫做艾玛
Why did you change it? Ella was so much prettier 你为什么要改她的名字? 艾拉好听多了
What do I know? I just sell Middle Eastern food from a cart 我懂什么? 我是个卖中东食物的小贩
Hey, your English is getting better 你的英文越来越好了
Oh, my God I know 我的天啊 我知道
She may be the hottest girl I've ever hated 她可能是我讨厌的女生里面 最辣的一个
What you working on? Monica and Chandler's recommendation 你在做什么? 摩妮卡跟钱德的推荐函
I want it to sound smart, but I don't know any big words or anything 我想要看起来聪明一点 但是我不懂得那些艰深的字
Why don't you use your thesaurus? What did I just say? 你为何不用字库? 我说的你没听到吗?
Watch 你看着
Here, you highlight the word you want to change, uh, go under "tools" 先把想要改变的字反白 然后去〝工具〞
and the thesaurus generates Gives 字库就会产生给你
Gives a whole list of choices 给你很多的选择
You can pick the word that sounds smartest 你可以选那些听起来聪明的字
My God, that's great I'm smart 老天,太棒了,我变聪明了
No, no, I'm: 不,我是
"Brainy, bright, clever " I love this thing! 〝有脑袋的、聪颖的、伶俐的〞 我爱死这东西了
Look out, ladies! Joey Tribbiani's got the whole package! 小姐们小心了 乔伊崔比亚尼更完美了
God 天啊
so beautiful 太美了
I know, isn't she? 我知道,她很美吧?
No, I was talking about your bedding 不,我是说你的床饰
All right, what's your news, Amy? Oh Ahem 好吧,你的消.急是什么?
Well 这个嘛
I'm getting married 我要结婚了
Wow! Oh, my God! 我的天啊
To who? This guy 跟谁? 这个人
He has a killer apartment 他有问棒呆了的公寓
And? And it's on 5th 还有呢? 而且在第五大道上
And the elevator opens up right into the living room 电梯一打开就是客厅
No, what's he like? Oh, he's okay 一不,他是怎样的人? 一他还好啦
Do you remember my old boyfriend Mark? 你记得我的前男友马克吗?
Yeah It's his dad 记得 是他的爸爸
Huh Wow, so he's gotta be Old? Yeah 那么他 定很 很老吗?对
But he travels a lot, so he's hardly ever there 但他常常出远门,所以不常在家
Sweetie, I gotta tell you, it sounds a little bit like 亲爱的,这听起来
you like the apartment more than you like 像是你喜欢那间公寓比喜欢
Myron 麦伦
Yeah, I told you he was old 我跟你说过他很老了
Sit down Sit down 坐下
Oh, honey, you know 亲爱的,你知道吗?
I once also almost married somebody that I didn't love 我也曾经差一点 嫁给我不爱的人
Do you remember Barry? Remember him? 你记得贝瑞吧? 何止记得
God, we used to make out all the time after you went to sleep 你睡觉以后我们总是打得火热
Sometimes just nodding is okay 有时候你只需要点头就好
Um But anyway, listen 管他的,你听好了
Not marrying Barry was the best decision that I ever, ever made 不跟贝瑞结婚是我这辈子 做过最正确的决定
Honey, Amy, you deserve true love Your soul mate is out there somewhere 艾美,你应该要得到真爱 你的灵魂伴侣一定还在等你
Someone that is your age, that is smart, that is fun 个跟你年纪相仿 既聪明又有趣
and that you care about 一个你关心、在乎的人
You're right 你说得对
You're right I'm gonna do it Okay 一你说得对,我该这么做 一好
I'm gonna marry Myron and keep looking for Mr Right 我要跟麦伦结婚 然后继续寻找我的白.马王子
Okay 好
Okay, let's keep talking 好,我们继续谈谈好了
Excuse me Anniversary 借过,周年纪念日
Excuse me Anniversary 借过,周年纪念日
Um, yeah 对
Sir, could you move your nachos? They're in my seat 先生,你的玉米片可以拿走吗? 这是我的位子
It's my anniversary 今天是我的纪念日
Here we are 我们到了
I can't believe it's been a whole year I know 不敢相信已经整整 年了 我知道
This has been the best year 这是我生命中
This has been the best year of my life! Me too! 这是我生命中最美好的 年 我也是
I never thought I could love someone this much! 我从没想过可以这么爱一个人
I feel the same way! 我也是这么觉得
You're so generous and kind, and you're amazing in bed! 你是那么慷慨又善良 床上功夫又是一流
It's our anniversary 今天是我们的纪念日
Please turn your attention to the big screen on the scoreboard 尼克队的球迷 请看计分板上的大萤慕
Someone has a special question to ask 某人要问个问题
Aw Oh, how lame It's so tacky and impersonal 真烂,又低俗又不浪漫
Really? It's the worst way to propose 真的吗? 这是最烂的求婚方法
Excuse me 失陪一下
Hey I finished my recommendation Here 我的推荐函写好了,拿去
And I think you'll be very, very happy 我想你们会非常满意
It's the longest I ever spent on a computer without looking at porn 这是我除了看色情照片外 花在电脑上最久的时问
I don't understand 我看不懂
Some of the words a little too sophisticated for you? 有些字对你来说太难了吗?
It doesn't make any sense 这封信根本不通
Well, of course it does It's smart I used a thesaurus 当然通) ra,这封信很聪明的 我用了〝字库〞
On every word? 每个字都用吗?
Yep 对
All right, what was this sentence originally? 这一句本来是什么意思?
"They are warm, nice people with big hearts " 〝他们是最温暖 心胸最宽阔的好人〞
And that became, "They are humid, prepossessing Homo sapiens 变成〝他们是潮湿 又给人好成的人类
with fullsized aortic pumps " 有着全尺寸的大动脉〞
Yeah Yeah And hey, I really mean it, dude 对,而且我真的这样觉得,老兄
All right, Joey, I don't think we can use this 乔伊,我想这封信不能用
Why not? Well, because you signed it: 为什么不能? 因为你的签名是
"Baby Kangaroo Tribbiani " 匀、袋鼠崔比亚尼〞
Why don't you stop worrying about sounding smart and just be yourself? 为什么你不能别在乎聪不聪明 当你自己就好?
You don't need a thesaurus Just write from here 你不需要字库 只要从这里写出来就好
Your fullsized aortic pump 你的全尺寸大动脉
Amy Hi I took your advice 艾美,嗨 我听了你的建议
I left Myron Good for you! 我离开麦伦了 做得好
I know I'm Erin Brockovich 我知道 我就像《永不妥协》的女主角
Yes, you are 对,你是
Aw, I'm so proud of you Thank you 我为你成到骄仿 谢谢你
Oh So can I stay with you? 我能跟你一起住吗?
But Erin Brockovich had her own house 但《永不妥协》的女主角 有她自己的房子
Ah, look who's back 看看谁回来了
Why do you have bags? Rach, why does she have bags? 为何你带着行李? 她为什么带着行李?
I'm staying with you guys 我要跟你们住
What? We're gonna be roomies! 什么? 我们要成为室友了
Come on 拿吧
You slept out here? Yeah 你在这外面睡? 对
Amy kept kicking me in her sleep, yelling, "Myron, get off!" 艾美睡觉的时候一直踢我 还喊着〝麦伦,下去〞
But, uh, we're getting rid of her, right? Please tell me we're getting rid of her? 但我们会要她走的吧? 我们会要她离开吧?
Joey, I can't do that Oh, come on 乔伊,我不能这么做 拜托
Last night I was finishing off a pizza, and she said: 昨天晚上我吃完彼萨的时候 她跟我说
"A moment on the lips, forever on the hips " 〝嘴里一下下,屁股上一辈子〞
I don't need that kind of talk in my house! 我的屋子里 不需要有人说那种话
Joey, look, I know that she's difficult 乔伊,我知道她很难搞
but I think it's really good that she's here 但我觉得她在这里很好
Because we'll appreciate it more when she's gone? 因为等她走了以后 我们会更快乐吗?
No, it's just Look, when I first moved to this city, I was a lot like her 不,当我刚进城来的时候 也跟她差不多嘛
I was spoiled, selfcentered And you guys really took care of me 我又骄纵、自我中心 多亏你们大家照顾我
Yeah Monica made us 对,摩妮卡逼我们的
Well, whatever I really appreciate it 不管怎样,我都很成谢
because I don't think I would be the person that I am today 因为如果不是你们
if it wasn't for you guys 我就不会是今天的我
So I want to help Amy the way you guys helped me 我想用你们帮助我的方式 来帮助艾美
And I know it's gonna take patience, but that's okay 我知道这要有耐心 但是应该没问题的
Good morning Yeah 早安 好
Amy, that's what I was supposed to wear today 艾美,那是我今天要穿的衣服
That's why I hung it on the door 所以我挂在门上面
Oh, sweetie, you can't pull this off 亲爱的,你撑不起这套衣服的
Amy, you know what? I was thinking that maybe now would be a good time 艾美,我想现在是很好的时机
for us to sit down and, you know, talk about your future 我们可以坐下来谈谈你的未来
Oh, I can't, honey I'm gonna go get my eyebrows shaped 我不行,亲爱的 今天我要去修眉毛
I am not happy 我对这个不满意
Uh Sure you want to eat that? 你确定要吃那个吗?
I'm curvy and I like it! 我身材很有曲线,而且我很喜欢
Hi Hi 各位 菲比
I just had the worst anniversary ever 我刚刚过了个最糟的纪念日
I doubt that Tell her about us last year 不见得,告诉她我们去年的事情
Oh, well, I bought Chandler a $500 watch, and he wrote me a rap song 我买了一只五百块的表给钱德 他写了一首饶舌歌给我
Seriously? Word 真的吗? 真的
Well, mine was worse than that 我的比这个更糟糕
Well, what happened? We were at the game 发生什么事情了? 我们在看比赛
and this guy proposed to his girlfriend on the big screen thing 有个家伙在大萤慕上 跟女朋友求婚
Oh, that is so tacky Well, that's what I said 真的太俗气了 我就是这么说的
But it turns out Mike was planning to propose to me that same way last night 但结果麦克本来是计划 要在昨晚那样对我求婚的
Oh, my God Mike was gonna propose? 天啊,麦克要求婚了吗?
Phoebe, that's huge Do you want to marry him? 这是大事 你想要跟他结婚吗?
Yeah, I really do Yes 想,我很想
But after I dumped on the way he was gonna propose 但是在我这样挖苦他之后
I don't think he's ever gonna ask again 他可能再也不会问我了
I mean, I said no in Barbados, and now this? 我在巴贝多说不要,现在又这样
She's right If I were a guy and 她说得对,如果我是男生
Did I just say, "If I were a guy"? 我刚刚说了〝如果我是男生〞吗?
Maybe you don't need him to propose to you 也许不用他来跟你求婚
Maybe you could propose to him 你可以跟他求婚
Oh, I don't know I don't know Isn't that a little desperate? 我不知道,这样不会太猴急了吗?
I proposed to Chandler 当时是我向钱德求婚的
All right, moving on 好吧,请继续说下去
I don't think it was desperate I think it was amazing 我不觉得那样很猴急 我觉得那样很棒
Thank you 谢谢
Well, do you think I should propose? I think it could be kind of great 你们觉得我该向他求婚吗? 我想应该会很不错
Absolutely You'll love the feeling There's nothing like it 当然,你会爱上这种成觉的 没什么比得上
Okay Okay So how should I do it? 好吧那么我该怎么做?
How about at a game on the big screen? 就在球场的大萤慕上如何?
Huh! How about at a Foot Locker? 在连锁鞋店如何?
What? What, he obviously thinks that's a nice way to be proposed to 怎么了?他显然觉得 那样被求婚很浪漫
Plus, he'd never suspect it Yeah, that does make sense 再加上他根本不会想到 对,有道里
Okay, now, would you two like that? Sounds good to me 你们两个喜欢这样吗? 我觉得不错
But what would a guy think? 但是男生会怎么想呢?
Uh, Nana's on the phone Wow 外婆在电话上
That's interesting, since she died seven years ago 真有趣,她七年前就去世了
She did? 真的吗?
Who got her condo in Boca? 那她波卡的小公寓给了谁?
Hello? 你好
It's our nanny 是我们的保姆
Hi 你好
Oh, God, I hope you feel better Okay Bye 天啊,我希望你成觉好些 好的,再见
That's Molly She's sick 是莫莉,她生病了
Can you watch Emma today? I can't I have backtoback classes 你今天能照顾艾玛吗? 我今天的课都是连续的
Did Molly say what she had? Because my throat's been hurting 莫莉有说她生了什么病吗? 因为我的喉咙有点痛痛的
Menstrual cramps 经痛
I don't think that's what this is 那我的应该不是
Can any of you watch Emma? No, I'm sorry, sweetie 你们哪个人可以帮我照顾艾玛? 抱歉,亲爱的
No, I've got work, and then I'm proposing 我要去工作,然后还要求婚
Great Shoot What am I gonna do? 太糟糕了,我要怎么办?
Well, I could do it 我可以帮你
Well, actually Can I talk to you for a second? 其实 我可以跟你谈谈吗?
Yeah 好
Um, I do not want her babysitting our child 我不要她来照顾我们的孩子
Why not? For one thing, she keeps calling her Ella 为什么不要? 她 直叫我们的孩子〝艾拉〞
Ella's a nice name Fine, we'll call the next one Ella 艾扛也是个不错的名字 好,那下 个就叫做艾扛
What, the next one? Okay 下 个? 好吧
I don't want her watching our baby 我不要她来照顾我们的孩子
Ross, I am trying to help her become a better person 我正在帮助她变成一个更好的人
This is a huge breakthrough for her 这对她来说是个大突破
She just offered to do something for another human being 她刚刚才提出 要帮助另一个人的想法
You know, I don't know Ross, I'm telling you 我不知道 罗斯,我告诉你
she's giving up getting her eyebrows shaped to do this, all right? 她为了这个要放弃去修眉毛
Do you understand how important that is in our world? 你了解这在我们的世界 是多么重大的一件事情吗?
Uh, listen, I couldn't help but overhear, because I was trying to 我没办法不听到你们的谈话内容 因为我在偷听
Listen, let me do this I really want to help you guys out 让我来吧,我真的很想帮你们
And plus, Rachel's been so wonderful to me 再说,瑞秋对我很好
Absolutely Oh, great! 当然可以 太好了
So how much does it pay? 你们要付我多少钱?
Hey, Joe How's the second draft of the letter coming? 推荐函的第二草稿进行得如何?
Great I'm finished In fact, I just dropped it off at the agency 很好,我写完了 刚刚才送去仲介那里
You dropped it off? Yeah 你送去了? 对
Can we read it? Can you print out another copy? 我们可以看吗? 你有印另一份出来吗?
No can do, amigo 不能,兄弟
No, I didn't use the computer It felt more personal to handwrite it 我没有用电脑,我觉得用手写 成觉更亲密
You handwrote it? Yeah, and don't worry 一你用手写吗? 一对,而且你们不用担心
I didn't try to sound smart at all 我没有试着展现聪明
See you later 再见
Oh, my God Oh, my God That letter is gonna go in our file 天啊,信会被放进我们的档案里面
We're never gonna get a kid 我们永远无法领养孩子了
We're gonna be one of those old couples 我们会变成那种老夫妻
that collects orchids or has a lot of birds 收集兰花或是养很多.鸟的那种
It's okay It's okay You know what? 没关系的,你知道吗?
I will just call the agency and tell them to throw out the letter 我来打电话给仲介 叫他们把信丢掉
Okay, good 好,太好了
Hello, this is Chandler Bing 你好,我是钱德宾
Someone just dropped off a handwritten recommendation letter and 是不是有人刚刚送去了 一封手写的谁荐函
Uhhuh Okay 好
Thank you Goodbye 谢谢你,再见
We're screwed, aren't we? 我们完蛋了,对不对?
You know what? Just tell me on the way to the bird store 你可以在去.鸟店的路上告诉我
They loved it What? 他们很喜欢 什么?
They thought it was very smart of us to have a child write the recommendation letter 他们觉得要小孩写谁荐函 是很聪明的主意
They thought Joey was a child? 他们以为乔伊是个小孩?
She guessed 8, 9, based on his drawings 从他的图画上看来 她精大概是八、九岁
Hi What'd you guys do today? 嗨 你们今天做了什么?
Ella wanted to go out, so we went shopping and got some sushi 艾拉想要出去,所以我们去进卫 然后吃了些寿司
That sounds like fun Yeah, not really 听起来很好玩 不怎么好玩
Babies are dull 小婴儿好无趣
Hey Hi, how's my girl? I'm fine 我的女孩还好吗? 我还不错
And I got you a present for letting me stay with you 因为你让我跟你住 所以我有个礼物要给你
Ready? Yeah 准备好了吗? 好了
Tada! You pierced her ears? 你把她的耳朵穿洞了?
Doesn't it make her nose look smaller? 这样鼻子看起来是不是小一点?
You pierced her ears? 你把她的耳朵穿洞了?
How could you do this without telling me? 你怎么不先跟我说就这么做?
If I had told you, then it wouldn't have been a surprise, now would it? 如果我告诉你的话 就不是个惊喜了,对不对?
I think she looks cute 我觉得很可爱
But I am wrong 但是我错了
Oh, my God Oh, my God Here comes Ross He's gonna flip out 天啊罗斯来了,他一定会气疯的
Why, did something happen to his falafel cart? 为什么,他的三明治车 出了什么事情吗?
Hey, guys Ross! 大家好 罗斯
Hi, Emma Oh Why is she wearing her hat so low? 艾玛,她的帽子怎么戴得这么低?
She can barely see I don't really want her to see 这样她根本看不到 我不想让她看到
Why not? 为什么不要?
Because there are so many terrible sights in this world 因为这世界有太多恐怖的画面
Like war Or that thing in Joey's refrigerator Remember? 像是战争 或是乔伊冰箱里的那玩意儿,记得吗?
It was in a milk carton, but it looked like meat? 就是在牛奶盒里面 看起来像肉的那玩意儿?
Come here Come here 过来
There she is Hi 艾玛在这里,你好
What? Nothing 怎么了? 没事
Hi What? 怎么?
Please tell me those are clipons! Oh, they're real 拜托你告诉我那是夹上去的 是真的
Did she do this to her? 是她干的吗?
I told you we shouldn't have left Emma with her! 我跟你说过不要把艾玛留给她
I know And you were right, Ross 我知道你是对的,罗斯
Okay? You are so irresponsible! I am never letting you babysit again! 你真是太不负责任了 我再也不会让你照顾孩子了
You know what? This kid needs me, okay? 这个孩子需要我
She needs to have a cool, fun aunt I'm a cool, fun aunt 她需要 个又酷又有趣的阿姨 我就是又酷又有趣的阿姨
Okay 好吧
Hey! Monica can be cool and fun at organized indoor projects 摩妮卡在整嘿室内物品的时候 也可以又酉告又有趣的
All I wanted to do was help you try to figure out what to do with your life 我只是想要让你搞清楚 未来的路要怎么走
This is how you repay me? 这就是你报答我的方式吗?
I don't need you to help me I already know what I'm gonna do with my life 我不需要你的帮忙 我已经知道未来的路要怎么走了
Oh, yeah? Since when? Since today 是吗,什么时候知道的? 就是今天
I am going to be a baby stylist 我要成为一个婴儿造型师
What? That's not a thing! 什么? 没有这种工作
Well, it should be 那应该要有才对
I'm gonna help babies learn how to accessorize 我要帮助小婴儿知道如何配件
what colors to wear, what clothes are slimming 穿什么颜色、怎么穿才瘦
Babies don't care if they're slim! Enter Amy 小婴儿不在乎自己瘦不瘦 所以就该艾美上场了
Amy, I I just I just wanna What? What are you gonna do? 艾美我我要 怎样,你想要怎么样?
No more falafel for you! 我不再卖三明治给你了
Great game, huh? Uhhuh 很棒的比赛吧?
Why do you keep looking at the screen? I'm not I'm praying 你干嘛 直盯着萤慕看? 我没有,我只是在祈祷
Please let the Knicks win 拜托,请让尼克队赢得比赛
Thank you, Thor 谢谢,索尔
Where are you going? I'm gonna go to the bathroom 你要去哪里? 我要去上厕所
Well, I think you should wait Why? 我觉得你应该等 下 为什么?
Well, if you don't hold it in, you don't get all the nutrients 如果你不忍住,就无法吸收营养
Please turn your attention to the big screen on the scoreboard 尼克队的支持者 请看计分板上面的大萤慕
Someone has a special question to ask 有人想问个特别的问题
Mike Hannigan, will you marry me? 麦克汉尼根,你愿意跟我结婚吗?
Get a load of this She's proposing to him! 大家听好了,女方向男方求婚
Guess we know who wears the pants in that family 我猜大家都知道 这个家庭会是谁做主了
Well, that's not very enlightened 这个观念太腐旧了
Hey! Hey! 嘿二。
Boo us? Boo you! 叫什么?去你们的!
Hello? Yeah, this is Joey Tribbiani 你好,我是乔伊崔比亚尼
Oh, hi 噢,你好
Well, I'm glad you liked my letter 我很高兴你们喜欢我写的信
No, my mommy and daddy aren't home right now 不,我爸爸妈妈现在不在家
Okay, byebye 好,再见
She was nice 她人真好
Joey, get Amy's bags She is moving out 乔伊,去拿艾美的行李 她要搬走了
Woohoo! You're kicking me out? You put holes in my baby's ears 你要赶我走? 你在我女儿的耳朵上打洞
At least now people will know she's a girl! 至少现在大家 都知道她是个女孩
I can't believe I ever even tried to help you 我真是不敢相信 自己竟然试着想要帮助你
You are so beyond help! You know what? 你根本是无药可救了 你知道吗?
Ever since I got here, you have been nothing but negative 从我一到这里闲始 你一直都很负面
Excuse me? You didn't want me 再说 次 你说服我放弃
to marry the old guy with the great apartment 跟老家伙结婚 害我不能得到美好的公寓
Then I tried to help your daughter deemphasize her flaws 接着我想要修饰你女儿的缺陷
and suddenly I'm the bad guy? 然后我就变成了大坏人?
Joey, where are those bags? She has a lot of crap! 乔伊,她的行李呢? 她有 堆东西
You know? When I moved in here, I thought, "This will be so great 当我刚到这里来的时候 心里想〝太棒了
Just us sisters back together again like when we were kids " 我们姐妹又可以 像以前小时候一样
Except without that stupid Jill Oh 除了没那个蠢吉儿以外〞
Who has gotten fat, by the way 顺便一提,她变肥了
Seriously? 真的吗?
Mom said she gained, like, 15 pounds 妈说她重了大概15磅
Hips or thighs? Ass and face 屁股还是大腿? 屁股和脸
Oh, my God! I thought she was on Atkins 天啊,我以为她在做艾特金斯饮食
She was Carbs found her 她是,但是碳水化合物不放过她
See? This is what I wanted 你看,这才是我想要的
Two sisters talking about real stuff 姐妹们谈谈正经的话题
Oh, I can give you that 这个我可以给你
You can? Yeah 可以吗? 对
I kept trying to make you a better person, but you're 我一直想要让你变成更好的人
You're already a pretty perfect version of what you are 但是在你那种人里面 你已经是最好的了
Thank you 谢谢
You gotta admit, Emma does look cute 我得说,艾玛真的很可爱
Did you just say, "Emma"? Oh, I'm sorry Ella 你刚刚说了〝艾玛〞? 抱歉,应该是〝艾拉〞
That woman didn't know what she was talking about, Mike 球场的那个女人 不知道自己在说什么,麦克
Obviously, you have balls 你当然有蛋蛋
Please, let's just forget the whole thing I would love it 拜托,忘记这回事吧 我很乐意
Consider it forgotten Thank you 就当我已经忘记了吧 谢谢
But just so you know 但只是要让你知道
However and whenever you decide to propose, I promise I'll say yes 不管你在何时何地决定要求婚 我都会答应的
Whether, you know, it's at a basketball game 不管是在篮球赛中
or in skywriting 或是在空中写字
or, you know, like some lame guy in a cheesy movie 或是像那种可笑电影里的 俗气家伙一样
who hides it in the cake 在蛋糕袒面藏戒指
It's in the cake, isn't it? 在蛋糕里面,对不对?
Where else would lame Mr NoBalls hide it? 俗气的没蛋蛋先生 还会把戒指藏在哪里?
What's the matter with me? Why do I keep ruining this? 我到底怎么了? 怎么一直搞砸这件事?
I'm sorry I'm sorry No, it's my fault 对不起,真的很对不起 不,这是我的错
I keep trying to propose in these stupid ways 我一直在找蠢方法向你求婚
and I just wanna tell you I love you, and I wanna spend my life with you 但我想说的只是我爱你 想要一辈子跟你在一起
I'm gonna do this now Oh, my God 我现在就要说了 我的天啊
Phoebe, I Wait Oh, wait 菲比,我 等 下”' Oh, no 噢,不
Ready? Uhhuh 可以了吗?
Okay 好了
Phoebe, I love you 菲比,我爱你
There's no one else in the world I would ask to marry me three times 世界上没有其他人 可以让我求婚三次
But I want to take care of you 但是我想照顾你
have babies with you 跟你一起生孩子
and grow old with you 跟你一起变老
Phoebe Buffay, will you marry me? 菲比布非,你愿意嫁给我吗?
Yes 愿意
I love you I love you more 我爱你 我更爱你
Not possible 不可能
She's gonna be Mrs NoBalls! 她要变成没蛋蛋太太了
So how's the, uh, babystyling business going? 你的婴儿造型事业进行得如何?
Not that great 不怎么好
It's almost as if people don't want to hear that their babies are ugly 好像大家都不想听到 他们的小孩很丑这种话
That's shocking 真是今人惊讶
There's Ross Hey, Ross 罗斯在那里 嘿,罗斯
Hello, Ross? 哈罗,罗斯?
He's rude 他好没礼貌