
Startup School 2019 - 003 Micha

2019-10-06  本文已影响0人  最爱可乐

SUS2019 YC创业课 如何设计MVP

MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
Vision big, MVP small

A lot of times founders want to address all of their users problems, and all of their potential users, when in reality they should just focus on a small set of initial users and their highest order problems, and then ignore the rest until later.

Goal of a pre-launch startup:
● Launch quickly (MVP)
● Get initial customers
● Talk to customers and get feedback
● Iterate (improve the product)

Hacks for building an MVP quickly
● Time box your spec
● Write your spec
● Cut your spec
● Don't fall in love with your MVP!

The only things that can be on my spec, are things I can build in three weeks.

Never ask users for features. Never ask users to tell you what they want. It's not the users job to come up with features, that's your job. The users job is to give you problems.

Do you know what's fun about startups? I don't like thinking about timelines, and I don't like thinking about roadmaps.

Post MVP, should you work on growth or should you work on retention?

I'll rephrase that question, how do you know when you have product market fit?

people start using your product so much, you transition from doing anything other than just keeping it online.


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