商务英语 - 外企财务会计必备词汇 2
2019-02-11 本文已影响0人
Incentive 激励
Giving bonus is a type of incentives to employees.
Requisition 请购,采购申请
The purchasing department has made a requisition of product A to the suppliers.
Apportion 分配,分摊
The table shows the overheads apportioned to five departments.
Bookkeeping 记账,簿记
The bookkeeping jobs are gradually replaced by automated systems.
Alternative 供选择的,选择性的
The alternative method to improve margin is to increase the price.
Batch 一批
The company may record the production cost of a batch of products instead of individual products.
Intangible 无形的
Good reputation is an intangible asset to a firm.
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