掌握这9个case,理清ACCA F3重难点不再是难题
自从F3实行机考后, 考前猜题变得毫无意义。楷博财经ACCA现将教学过程中, 同学们遇到的部分重难点做出解析。
Case 1
Chapter 6 Inventory 中2个"特殊"会计分录
(1)Owner 拿公司存货自用
Dr. Equity (所有者权益减少)
Cr. Inventory drawing (or Purchase or COS) (COS减少)
Dr. Non-current asset (固定资产增加)
Cr. COS (or Purchase ) (期间采购成本减少或COS减少)
国际会计准则下,公司对期间存货增加或减少不会记录在会计系统中的Ledger account (i.e. Inventory ledgeraccount), 即如下会计分录是错误的:
Dr. Inventory
Cr. Payables or cash
我们将期间采购(赊购或现金采购) 行为视为"采购费用"的发生 , 即:
Dr. Purchase
Cr. Payables or cash
也就是说,期间存货减少, 我们不能贷记Inventory.
Case 2
Chapter 10 的年末调整分录,对P&L and B/S的影响如下:

Chapter 11
On 1 January 2013 Tipton’s trade receivables were $10,000. The followingrelates to the year ended 31 December 2013:
Credit sales $100,000
Cash receipts $90,000
Discounts allowed $800
Discounts received $700
Cash receiptsinclude $1,000 in respect of a receivable previously written off. Calculate theclosing value of receivable:
Method 1:
The closingbalance = Opening + Addition – Receipts – Discount + bad debts recovered
= 10,000+ 100,000 – 90,000 – 800 + 1,000
Note: Discountreceived has nothing to do with salesor TR
Method 2:

Note 1: 期间从信用客户收到$90,000其中$1,000 之前已经作为坏账write off, 现在收到了这笔钱,不能视为Receivable的减少. 参见下面的分录:

Method 3:

Note: Method 2 and 3的区别在于: method 2 没有做中间的分录
Case 4
Erin is registered for sales tax.During May, she sells goods with a tax exclusive price of $600 to Kyle oncredit. As Kyle is buying a large quantity of goods, Erin reduces the price by5%. She also offers a discount of another 3% if Kyle pays within 10 days. Kyledoes not pay within the 10 days. If sales tax is charged at 17.5%, what amountshould Erin charge on this transaction?
信用交易发生的时点,卖方要开具销售发票,此时会有一个假设: 买方会在10天内支付货款,从而得到early discount (3%)
因此,此交易产生的销项税为 $600 X 95% X 97% X 17.5%
如果买方在10天后才支付,需要补开一张发票,票面销项税为 $600 X 95% X 3% X 17.5%
Case 5

在采购价格一直上涨的背景下(i.e.inflation), 公司使用3种Valuation methods, 对Cost of sales, profit and closing inventory value 的影响总结如上. 英文表述如下:
During inflationary period, FIFO gives the highestclosing value and profit, but lowest COS;
During inflationary period, LIFO gives the lowest closingvalue and profit, but highest COS;
AVCO always stand in the middle.
Case 6
Chapter 12 Provision and contingentliability
IAS 37 requires contingent liabilities and assets are summarized inthe following table:

Case 7
Chapter 13 Capital structure

年末对普通股股东分红,需得到股东大会的批准. 得到批准的时点很重要,如果是年末前得到Approval, 则叫做Final declared dividend; 年后得到Approval,则Final proposed dividend. 对于2种情况的会计处理如上。
Case 8
Chapter 13 Capital structure
Corporation tax

上述故事, 源自公司去年年末对去年税费预提时,出现了多提或少提的情况.
因此我们在本年年末,做出 3 的调整分录.
Case 9
Chapter 17 Preparing financialstatement

在17章编制财务报表过程中,有很多年末调整事项. 以上总结了这些调整事项. 注意每个调整分录,影响的是2个不同的主表: P&L or Balance sheet.