
复习Lady Windermere's Fan Act 4

2020-01-28  本文已影响0人  豹豹君


今天终于先从单词入手给自己一点成就感,语言太久不看会生疏。果然对话跟述下来有点卡壳,:-(卡就卡吧,明天口语练习重新开始。温夫人的扇子终于可以收拢回袋,第四幕磕磕绊绊听完已经不想再温习,明天抽时间将舞台剧补完。晚上听完坟场之书的最后40分钟完美结束,明天开始阅读罗尔德大爷的Danny the Champion of the World,好小子的阅读已经结束,丹尼是系列的倒数第二本,最后一本Going Solo和Childhood类似,所以放最后看,对纪实类的书兴趣总是不大。


温夫人的扇子最后一幕。温夫人有惊无险得逃回了家,次日对昨晚的一切各种悔恨羞耻交加,当她欲向前来问候的丈夫全盘托出的时候,欧林太太来访。她以索取照片为名和温大人之间一阵唇枪舌战,最终令温大人保留母女关系的这个秘密。借温大人叫马车的时机欧琳太太嘱咐温夫人不要告诉其丈夫昨晚的一切。然后这个聪明的女人像奥古斯都做了完美解释,给自己找了一个完美良缘,最后,the end!女人的智慧真是在王尔德的笔下借欧林太太表现的活灵活现,破纸而出!


a wonderful act of self-sacrifice(自我牺牲的壮举)

spontaneously, recklessly, nobly(自然,率性,高贵)

at Selby(塞尔比,乡下)


sorrow, repentance, pity, sacrifice(悲伤,忏悔,怜悯和牺牲。还是放在一起有感觉)

as I was driving in your direction(顺路),

bidding you good-bye(辞行告别)

the serious people (正人君子,还可以这样翻译,服气)

out of temper(有点脾气)

going about under an assumed name(化了名到处活动)

extravagance (奢侈品)

ignominy (羞辱)

Shrugging her shoulders(耸肩)



Our lives lie too far apart. (我们的命天南地北呢,初读以为是指生活水各一方,原来还有一层含义。)

There is a bitter irony in things, a bitter irony in the way we talk of good and bad women. . . .

Mrs. Erlynne was a woman more sinned against than sinning, as the phrase goes. (受罪还比犯罪多。这个俗语好像出自莎翁,查了也记不住所以贴在这里再看一遍。)

how can I look him in the face again?我怎么有脸见他啊?

How securely one thinks one lives--out of reach of temptation, sin, folly. And then suddenly--Oh! Life is terrible. It rules us, we do not rule it.我们自以为日子过得太太平平,诱惑,愚蠢,罪恶都与我无关,然后突然之间-—哦!人生真可怕,是人生支配我们,不是我们支配人生!

There is a bitter irony(讽刺) in things, a bitter irony in the way we talk of good and bad women. . . . Oh, what a lesson! and what a pity that in life we only get our lessons when they are of no use to us! (人生的教训,只有我们用不着了,才学的会) Oh! the shame of it, the shame of it. To tell it is to live through it all again. Actions are the first tragedy in life, words are the second. Words are perhaps the worst. Words are merciless. . . (说一遍等于再做一遍,人生的悲剧,先行动后语言。而言语恐怕更惨,最不留情面,这段自白实在是太精彩了!)

The English climate doesn't suit me.(注意主语)

My dear Windermere, manners before morals!(先讲礼貌,再论德操。)

You sully the innocence that is in her. (你玷 污了她内心的清纯)

Oh, I am not going to mince words for you. (不会对你讲客套话的)

You began your blackmailing,(哈,温大人心中多么的恨啊!)

Margaret is twenty-one, and I have never admitted that I am more than twenty-nine, or thirty at the most. Twenty-nine when there are pink shades, thirty when there are not. So you see what difficulties it would involve. 这段话很有趣,也有些琢磨的意味,女人永远不超过二十九是不是就从这里来的?

I thought I had no heart. I find I have, and a heart doesn't suit me, Windermere. Somehow it doesn't go with modern dress. It makes one look old. And it spoils one's career at critical moments.


I suppose, Windermere, you would like me to retire into a convent, or become a hospital nurse, or something of that kind, as people do in silly modern novels. That is stupid of you, Arthur; in real life we don't do such things—not as long as we have any good looks left, at any rate. No—what consoles one nowadays is not repentance, but pleasure. Repentance is quite out of date.


Ideals are dangerous things. Realities are better. They wound, but they're better.

--If I lost my ideals, I should lose everything.


You must not spoil it. Love is easily killed. Oh! how easily love is killed.


There is the same world for all of us, and good and evil, sin and innocence, go through it hand in hand. To shut one's eyes to half of life that one may live securely is as though one blinded oneself that one might walk with more safety in a land of pit and precipice.



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