5 月 20 日课堂复盘与思考

2024-05-19  本文已影响0人  浪漫的巴布亚企鹅

早读期间听了两个听力材料,并让孩子们在听完后核对答案并提出疑问,随后集体学习关于课外生活活动的 5 个小段落。为了避免死记硬背,首先引导同学们头脑风暴如何度过业余生活。大部分孩子可能会玩手机,所以不太敢说。当鹏鹏提到业余时间看电视且喜欢科学频道,却对具体频道说不上来时,这样的对话能给孩子带来启发。

The weekend is coming and students are choosing their favorite way to spend their free time.

Steve loves playing tennis with his friends on weekends.He enjoys exercising and wants to keep a healthy life.He thinks playing sports is a good choice to relax himself.

  Jeremy always rides his bike around the city to enjoy the beauty of the city.He also joins some riding groups to have a good time withthem.Lily,who loves doing sports,decides to play football with her teammates.They train together every Saturday.

  Alice chooses to water plants in her community.She wants to protect the environment by doing things little by little.She wants more people in her community to have a comfortable livingenvironment.

Jennifer who wants to be a pianist,always plays the piano five times a week in her spare time.And with her hardwork,she has received many prizes in many piano competitions.






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