
「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第4篇

2024-04-05  本文已影响0人  IT小瓯

「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第4篇

1. I’ve decided to ____


I’ve decided to take a vacation (我决定要去度假)

I’ve decided to change my lifestyle (我决定要改变我的生活方式)

I’ve decided to adopt a dog (我决定要收养一条狗了)

I’ve decided to quit my job (我决定要辞职了)

I’ve decided to learn how to swim (我决定要学游泳了)

I’ve decided to focus on my personal growth (我决定要专注于个人成长)

2. I’ve heard that ____

我听说 ____

I’ve heard that he made 3 million dollars last year (我听说他去年挣了3百万美元)

I’ve heard that this movie is really good (我听说这部电影非常好看)

I’ve heard that Jeff is getting married (我听说Jeff要结婚了)

I’ve heard that yoga can reduce stress (我听说瑜伽可以减轻压力)

I’ve heard that listening to jazz music makes you calmer (我听说听爵士音乐能让你更冷静)

I’ve heard that drinking more water can improve your skin health(我听说多喝说能帮助提升你的肌肤健康)

3. I’ve had enough of ____


I’ve had enough of my English teacher (我已经受够了我的英语老师)

I’ve had enough of loud people (我已经受够了很吵的人们)

I’ve had enough! (我已经受够了!)

I’ve had enough of American food (我已经受够了美国菜)

I’ve had enough of you (我已经受够了你)

I’ve had enough of being single (我已经受够了我的单身生活)

4. I’d (I would) like you to____


I’d like you to help me with this project (我想请你帮我完成这个项目)

I’d like you to give me some advice (我想请你给我一些建议)

I’d like you to join me for dinner (我想请你和我一起共进晚餐)

I’d like you to review my essay (我想请你帮我审阅我的文章)

I’d like you to recommend a good book to me (我想请你向我推荐一本好书)

I’d like you to introduce me to your friends (我想请你介绍你的朋友给我认识)


发音技巧:"I'd ..." 这里的d可以不发出音,在d即将发出声的时候停住,稍作停顿然后跳过。

5. I’d be grateful if you can/could____


I’d be grateful if you can help me move (如果你能帮我搬家,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can teach me English (如果你能教我英语,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can help me with this problem (如果你能帮我解决这个问题,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you could lend me a hand (如果你能助我一臂之力,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can give me some feedback (如果你能给我一些反馈,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you could lend me some money (如果你能借给我一些钱,我会感激不尽)

6. Can I ____?


Can I borrow your pen for a moment? (我能借用一下你的笔吗?)

Can I have a look at your new camera? (我能看一下你的新相机吗?)

Can I use the restroom? (我能用一下洗手间吗?)

Can I take a photo here? (我能在这里拍照吗?)

Can I speak to the manager, please? (我能和经理说话吗?)

Can I have a glass of water, please? (我能要一杯水吗?)

7. Could I ____? (更加礼貌版)


Could I have a moment of your time? (我能占用您一点时间吗?)

Could I try that dish, please? (我能试试那道菜吗?)

Could I ask you a question? (我能问您一个问题吗?)

Could I borrow your notes for tonight? (我能借你的笔记用一下吗?)

Could I use your computer for a few minutes? (我能用一下你的电脑吗?)

Could I have a discount on this item? (我能给这个商品打个折吗?)

8. Let me ____


Let me help you with that. (让我帮你弄那个。)

Let me show you how it works. (让我告诉你它是怎么运作的。)

Let me drive you home. (让我送你回家吧。)

Let me take a look at it. (让我看一下。)

Let me explain what happened. (让我解释一下发生了什么。)

Let me introduce myself. (让我自我介绍一下吧。)

9. Are you ____?


Are you ready to start? (你准备好开始了吗?)

Are you sure about that? (你确定吗?)

Are you feeling okay? (你感觉还好吗?)

Are you hungry? (你饿了吗?)

Are you happy with the result? (你对这个结果满意吗?)

Are you free this weekend? (你这个周末有空吗?)

10. Are you trying to ____?


Are you trying to solve this problem? (你是在尝试解决这个问题吗?)

Are you trying to reach the top of the mountain? (你是在尝试登上山顶吗?)

Are you trying to learn a new skill? (你是在尝试学习一项新技能吗?)

Are you trying to impress me? (你是在尝试给我留下深刻印象吗?)

Are you trying to lose weight? (你是在尝试减肥吗?)

Are you trying to connect with your inner self? (你是在尝试与自己的内心建立联系吗?)


