
2021-07-14  本文已影响0人  王如曦

why women kill 致命女人

It begins quite slowly 它开始得很缓慢

With a look 或是一个表情

Or a gesture 或是一个动作

And once the invitation is accepted 然而一旦接受了邀请

The tango begins 探戈就此开始

It is a dance of anticipation 这是一种充满预见性的舞

Seduction 充满诱惑的舞

Desire 充满欲望的舞

And love 也是充满爱的舞

You know, some say it takes two to tango 有人说,探戈需由两人而舞

But sometimes, lurking in the dark 但 有时,在黑暗中潜伏着的

Is a third 还有第三人

Now, if you choose to dance with him 如果选择和第三人翩翩起舞

be prepared to deal with the consequences 则需对其后果做出相应的准备

For passion can turn to jealousy 因为激情会化为嫉妒

Love can become violent 爱情会变得暴力

Yes. The tango exists to remind us 是的。探戈的存在时为了提醒我们

the greatest love stories 最浪漫的爱情故事

End in death. 终以死亡收场。


