

2021-05-06  本文已影响0人  单细胞空间交响乐



今天我们来分享另外一个软件,SPATA,文章在Inferring spatially transient gene expression pattern from spatial transcriptomic studies,我们还是先分享文献,最后分享示例代码。


Spatial transcriptomic is a technology to provide deep transcriptomic profiling by preserving the spatial organization.(这个老生常谈了)。Here, we present a framework for SPAtial Transcriptomic Analysis (SPATA, https://themilolab.github.io/SPATA), to provide a comprehensive characterization of spatially resolved gene expression, regional adaptation of transcriptional programs and transient dynamics along spatial trajectories.(运用这个软件来做空间轨迹分析,讲道理,我很好奇!!)。

Brief Communication(这个地方我们总结一下)

Deep transcriptional profiling of single cells by RNA-sequencing maps the cellular composition of tissue specimens regarding cellular origin, developmental trajectories and transcriptional programs(这是单细胞的优势),However, information determining the spatial arrangement of specific cell types or transcriptional programs are lacking and thus can only be predicted indirectly(空间信息的缺失),which is a considerable drawback of this method.(也是众所周知的缺点)。空间组织结构传统的方式是用成像技术提供高精度的信息,但是同时检测的基因和蛋白的数量非常少,当然,已经有了一些新的空间组织检测技术,但受到空间分布细胞精度和深度的制约Further, data integration, visualization and analysis of transcriptomic and spatial information remains challenging. Here, we present a software tool to provide a framework for integration of high-dimensional transcriptional data within a spatial context.这个软件集友好的可视化界面,分割或轨迹分析,提供了广泛了不同分析方法,In particular, we focus on transient changes of gene expression and aim to infer transcriptional programs that are dynamically regulated as a function of spatial organization.(这个软件就是专门为10X空间转录组做准备的)。

In order to present an overview of possible analytic capabilities of the SPATA workflow,

generated spatial transcriptomic datasets from human cortex and human glioblastoma samples using the Visium technology (10X Genomics). The human cortex is separated into defined layers containing different types of neurons and cellular architecture(空间转录组数据是事先注释好的),


还有一个很有意思的地方,Thus, we were able to show 116 that immune related genes from myeloid cells and reactive astrocytes were localized in a “glial-scars” resembling structure, sharply separating normal brain from tumor regions Figure 2h. We observed a transient increase of macrophage and microglia activation directed towards the tumor boarder,这个方法是不是值得一试呢?


Modeling of transient gene expression along spatial trajectories


Spatial distance measurement


Spatial overlap and correlation analysis




Spatial trajectories
DE - Analysis


With spatial trajectory analysis SPATA introduces a new approach to find, analyze and visualize differently expressed genes and gene-sets in a spatial context. While the classic differential gene expression analyzes this differences between experimental groups as a whole it neglects changes of expression levels that can only be seen while maintaining the spatial dimensions. Spatial trajectories allow to answer questions that include such a spatial component. E.g.:

  1. In how far do expression levels change the more we move towards a region of interest?
  2. Which genes follow the same pattern along these paths?

The spatial trajectory tools provided in SPATA enable new ways of visualization as well as new possibilities to screen for genes, gene-sets and patterns of interest.

load package


load spata-object

spata_obj <- [loadSpataObject](https://themilolab.github.io/SPATA/reference/loadSpataObject.html)(input_path = "data/spata-obj-trajectory-analysis-tumor-example.RDS")

Draw trajectories

Spatial trajectories of a sample in a given spata-object can be drawn interactively using the function createTrajectories() as shown in the example below. createTrajectories() opens a mini-shiny application. This app allows one the one hand to investigate the sample with regards to spatial gene expression like plotSurfaceInteractive() does and on the other hand to draw trajectories through the areas of interest in four easy steps.

# open interactive application
spata_obj <- [createTrajectories](https://themilolab.github.io/SPATA/reference/createTrajectories.html)(object = spata_obj)
1. Drawing

Draw the trajectory interactively by clicking on the locations where you want the start and endpoints to be. If you click more than two times the trajectory is divided into sub-trajectory parts which will be displayed by subsequent plotting functions. Hence, it makes sense to stop everytime where you would expect a change as this will be highlighted by the transition from part to the subsequent one.

Figure 1.1. Interactive trajectory drawing

Figure 1.1. Interactive trajectory drawing

2. Highlighting

If start- and end-points are set adjust the trajectory width to and click on ‘Highlight’.

Figure 1.2. Highlight the trajectory

Figure 1.2. Highlight the trajectory

3. Naming

If you are satisfied with your trajectory enter a valid trajectory name and - if you want - a comment.

4. Saving

Click on ‘Save’ and on ‘Close application’ in order to return the updated spata-object.

Trajectories are stored inside the object itself. Therefore createTrajectories() returns an updated version of the object that was specified as the function’s input now containing the additional trajectories.

To obtain all trajectory names that have been drawn and saved in your spata-object use getTrajectoryNames(). Depending on the number of samples specified it returns a character vector or a list of such.

get trajectory names

getTrajectoryNames(object = spata_obj)
## [1] "tumor-layers"

Visualize trajectories

In order to visualize specific trajectories make use of plotTrajectory().

plotTrajectory(object = spata_obj,
               trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
               color_to = "seurat_clusters",
               pt_size = 1.7,
               pt_clrp = "npg",
               display_image = FALSE) +
               theme(legend.position = "top") +

plotTrajectory(object = spata_obj,
               trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
               color_to = "pseudotime",
               pt_size = 1.7,
               smooth = TRUE,
               smooth_span = 0.0125,
               display_image = FALSE) +
               theme(legend.position = "top")
Figure 2.1. Surface related visualization of the trajectory

Figure 2.1. Surface related visualization of the trajectory

Visualize trajectory trends

Trajectory trends via lineplots

To display the trend of certain variables along a trajectory via lineplots use one of the following three functions:

A call to one of those three functions will return a smoothed lineplot where the direction of the trajectory is mapped onto the x-axis and the values of the chosen aspects are mapped onto the y-axis. All functions follow the same concept and share the majority of their arguments. Still, they feature slight differences given the nature of their aspects to display.

The following three arguments have to be set in order to specify the trajectory that is to be analyzed:

The way values are smoothed and displayed can be manipulated via:

Features along trajectories

Specify the features of interest via the argument features. Note that the function will compute the mean of all points on the axis orthogonal to the trajectory’s direction. As only numeric variables allow for such computation displaying the trend of categorical variables (e.g. cluster) is not possible via lineplots.

plotTrajectoryFeatures(object = spata_obj,
                       trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                       features = "pseudotime",
                       smooth_method = "loess",
                       smooth_span = 0.2,
                       smooth_se = TRUE)</pre>

Figure 3.1. Visualization of ontinuous features along a trajectory

In order to plot discrete features use `plotTrajectoryFeaturesDiscrete().

plotTrajectoryFeaturesDiscrete(object = spata_obj,
                               trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                               discrete_feature = "seurat_clusters",
                               clrp = "npg",
                               display_trajectory_parts = FALSE)
Figure 3.2. Visualization of discrete features along a trajectory

Figure 3.2. Visualization of discrete features along a trajectory

Genes and gene-sets along trajectories

Specify the genes or gene-sets of interest by using the respective functions and arguments.

# gene-set names
genes_of_interest <- [c](https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html)("CALM1", "VIM", "GFAP")

# plot lineplot
plotTrajectoryGenes(object = spata_obj,
                    trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                    genes = genes_of_interest,
                    smooth_span = 0.2,
                    smooth_se = TRUE)
Figure 3.3. Visualization of gene expression along a trajectory

Figure 3.3. Visualization of gene expression along a trajectory

  object = spata_obj,
  trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
  gene_sets = "HM_HYPOXIA",
  display_trajectory_parts = FALSE) + # results in missing vertical lines 
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top")

Analyze & model trajectories

To find variables that follow a certain trend along the trajectory of interest use assessTrajectoryTrends(). It fits the trajectory-trends of all specified variables to a variety of patterns and assesses their fit by calculating the area under the curve of the residuals.

all_genes <- getGenes(spata_obj)
all_gene_sets <- getGeneSets(spata_obj)

# obtain an assessed trajectory data.frame for all genes
atdf_gs <- assessTrajectoryTrends(object = spata_obj,
                                  trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                                  variables = all_genes)

# obtain an assessed trajectory data.frame for all gene-sets
atdf_gene_sets <- assessTrajectoryTrends(object = spata_obj,
                                         trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                                         variables = all_gene-sets)

# output example

The resulting data.frame contains the evaluation of all fits for all provided variables. plotTrajectoryFit() visualizes the fitting results for a particular variable.

# compare the trend of a variable to different models
plotTrajectoryFit(object = spata_obj,
                  trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                  variable = "GFAP",
                  display_residuals = TRUE) +
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top")
Figure 4.1. Visulization of the fitting results

Figure 4.1. Visulization of the fitting results

To get a summary of your trajectory assessment use examineTrajectoryAssessment() which displays the distribution of all areas under the curve measured. Use filterTrend() or a combination of dplyr::filter() and dplyr::pull() on your assessed trajectory data.frame in order to extract the variables following a specific trend to a certain quality-degree.

# example 1: extract all variables that follow the linear descending trend while moving towards the hypoxic area (See Figure 2.1)
# with an auc-evaluation equal to or lower than 2
descending_gene_sets <-
  filterTrends(atdf = atdf_gene_sets,
               limit = 2,
               trends = [c](https://rdrr.io/r/base/c.html)("Linear descending"),
               variables_only = FALSE) # return a data.frame

# example 2: extract variables that featured a peak along the trajectory 
# with auc-evaluation equal to or lower than 4
peaking_genes <- filterTrends(atdf = atdf_gs,
                              limit = 4,
                              trends = c("Early peak", "Late peak", "One peak"),
                              variables_only = TRUE) # return a vector of variables

## [1] "CKB"    "METRN"  "TMSB4X" "LPL"    "CALM1"  "ITGA3"

Trajectory trends via heatmaps

Displaying the expression trends of too many variables in a lineplot gets unclear quite rapidly. In order to deal with several variables use plotTrajectoryHeatmap(). While the trajectory’s directory is still displayed from left to right the dynamic of the gene-sets’ expression values is now displayed by the gradual change of a row’s color instead of a line’s slope in a lineplot. The advantage of using heatmaps to display dynamic expression changes along trajectories becomes obvious when the number of variables to display rises.

descending_gene_sets <- dplyr::pull(descending_gene_sets, variables)

plotTrajectoryHeatmap(object = spata_obj,
                      trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                      variables = descending_gene_sets,
                      arrange_rows = "maxima",
                      show_row_names = FALSE, # gene set names are long...
                      split_columns = TRUE,
                      smooth_span = 0.5)
Figure 4.2) A heatmap displaying linear descending trends

Figure 4.2) A heatmap displaying linear descending trends

plotTrajectoryHeatmap(object = spata_obj,
                      trajectory_name = "tumor-layers",
                      variables = peaking_genes,
                      arrange_rows = "maxima",
                      show_row_names = FALSE, # gene set names are long...
                      split_columns = TRUE, # splits the heatmap 
                      smooth_span = 0.5)
Figure 4.3. A heatmap displaying the gradual change of peaking genes

Figure 4.3. A heatmap displaying the gradual change of peaking genes




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