【Tahiti80 暖男还是大叔?】

刚开始并不了解Tahiti 80,觉得他们的名字拗口难念,问起他们名字的来源时,主唱Xavier Boyer表示不过就是大溪地岛与数字的结合罢了,Tahiti 80的四名成员来自法国诺曼底地区,他们相遇在鲁昂大学的校园中,在看到格萨维耶的爸爸从大溪地带回来的T恤衫之后,他们灵机一动,想出了Tahiti 80这个名字。
三年前Tahiti 80就来过中国,参加了两次大型的音乐节,当时那个带熊猫头表演的胖大叔就俘获了台下不少少女们的心。“Amazing memories, though it went too fast. Th festivals we played in were massive, and we were happily surprised by the interaction with Chinese audiences. ”主唱Xavier Boyer回忆起当时来到中国表演的情景,Tahiti 80的法式浪漫与幽默在这里也尽显无疑。
2014年Tahiti 80发布了他们的最新专辑《ballroom》,这张专辑不仅延续了以往轻松畅快的风格,还加入了更多之前没有尝试过的新鲜元素。”It stands as one of our best works, we had catchy tracks on it and also more experimental stuff. It seemed like the perfect balance of what we like best in music.”Xavier Boyer在介绍《ballroom》的时候这样说到,相信很快就能在现场听到这些歌曲的演绎了。
“A guy proposed his girlfriend once. that was quite crazy, then at another show, the same couple came up again and this time it was the girl who asked him to marry her. as crazy as it gets.” Xavier Boyer在采访中提到这么一段有关他们歌迷浪漫而有趣的故事,这也尽显了这支来自法国的乐队本身自带的浪漫主义气质,尽管他们不唱法语歌。