China daily 1.12morning

2018-01-12  本文已影响0人  长袜子皮卡丘

【Morning Buzz】

If I had to live my life over again I would live it as I have lived it; I neither regret the past nor fear the future. (Michel de Montaigne, French essayist, 1533-1592)




>Alibaba removes fake goods


>US may reenter Paris Accord


>'Shitpost' word of the year


>Bezos the richest person


>Tips: Come to light


【Top News】

>Alibaba removes fake goods


E-commerce giant Alibaba Group made considerable progress in stamping out counterfeit goods on its online shopping portal Taobao in 2017, as consumer requests for return of goods fell 29% from the same period in 2016, a new report said. Out of every 10,000 requests made for return of products in the previous year, 1.49 were initiated as consumers suspected they were fake, compared with 2.1 in 2016, according to the 2017 Alibaba Intellectual Property Protection Annual Report. The report, the first of its kind, said that 97% of the products that Alibaba took the initiative to remove from the online platform on suspicion of intellectual property infringement were removed forthwith even before any transaction took place. Altogether, 240,000 Taobao stores were closed last year on suspicion of selling fake commodities, compared with 180,000 in 2016, said the report published on Wednesday.


>US may reenter Paris Accord


US President Donald Trump said Wednesday that Washington could "conceivably" reenter into the global Paris climate agreement, from which he announced the withdrawal last year. However, he insisted that Paris Agreement, which the international community signed in 2015 with the aim of combating climate change by limiting global temperature rise to well below two degrees Celsius, was "a bad deal" and "very unfair" to the US. "The Paris Accord really would have taken away our competitive edge, and we're not going to let that happen. I'm not going to let that happen," he added. Trump's words may mean that his position was actually unchanged from a year ago. Trump's decision in June last year to pull the US out of the landmark global accord has sparked a wave of anger and dismay at home and also a chorus of disapproval abroad.


>'Shitpost' word of the year


Each January, the American Dialect Society selects a single word or phrase that best represents the mood and interests of online discussions in the previous year. The society has selected "shitpost" as the "Digital Word of the Year" for 2017. Shitposting is the act of posting worthless or irrelevant online content intended to derail a conversation or to provoke others. Shitpost is an example of how people used the internet, in a year that made clear just how powerfully the glut of online information can be weaponized against democracy. Shitposts are ostentatiously bad contributions to online discussions: poorly Photoshopped memes, unfunny jokes, non-sequiturs and spam. These aren't misguided attempts at cleverness. They are deliberate efforts to confuse and hijack a dialogue, and while they can show up anywhere, they're most powerful when applied to politics.



>Bezos the richest person


Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos's net worth reached $105.1 billion Monday, according to Bloomberg's billionaire tracker. That eclipses the record previously held by Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Forbes put Bezos' net worth at a mere $104.4 billion. The majority of that net worth comes from the 78.9 million shares of Amazon stock he owns. Shares of Amazon climbed 1.4% Monday, adding about $1.4 billion to his net worth. Shares of Amazon are up nearly 7% so far in this year after rising 56% in 2017. Bezos' other holdings include the Washington Post and Blue Origin, a private space travel business that intends to take tourists to space.




1. cast/shed/throw light on sth


His diary cast light on life in England in the 17th century.


2. come to light


Fresh evidence has recently come to light that suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.



counterfeit: 假冒的,伪造的(adj.)

forthwith: 立即(adv.)

accord: 协议,协定(n.)

derail: 打乱(v.)

glut: 大量,过度,充斥(n.)

meme: 表情包(n.)

eclipse: 使黯然失色,使相形见绌(v.)


