
2019-04-25  本文已影响0人  黄向书

buddhist cultivation actions & vows

improve your inner world to butter your life 

Ten vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (Universal Benevolence) also called Samantabhadra's Aspiration Prayer to Good Actions or King of vows,comes from the last chapter of Avatamsaka Suttra(Garland Sutra),one of the most important Buddhist scriptures.According to Mahaprajnaparamita-shastra,Master Nagarjuna,the second-century India Buddhist philosopher who propounded the Madhyamika philosophy of emptiness ,call it "Sutra of Moksha beyond Conception" and expounded that it was different from the Shravaka vehicle,since it is the most extraordinary dharma of cultivation and it opens the gate to Buddhahood.So you will grasp the essentials of Buddhism suppose you can comprehend Ten Vows of Samantabhadra.

Like an innocent child led by the power of karma and the unclear understandings of Dharmata(The absolute fundamental reality),our mind keeps giving rise to distress & passion.We should improve our inner world bu using proper methods and means.Besides,we ought to take actions.Only the actions of compassion & altruism coupled with wisdom are able to breed the buds of inner happiness.

May you reach the realm of eternal bliss!

May Buddha's teaching prevading the whole world forever!



