
为什么你应该知道你同事的工资 #每周一TED# 010

2016-10-05  本文已影响657人  96122d39e18c

写在之前 - “每周一Ted”就快变成大姨妈的频率了:( 

今年的10-12月份,我会坚持一周一次更新学习(也只不过十二篇~)。这是自己学习英文的一个小输出,可能伴随还有其他的东西。今天看了电影《Julie & Julia》,两个女人和美食的故事。积累的力量是惊人的,找到自己爱做的事情,去做,去不停地做......

David Burkus: Why you should know how much your coworkers get paid?


At work, how much do you think the person sitting in the cubicle or the desk next to you gets paid? Do you know? Should you know?

Notice, it's a little uncomfortable for me to even ask you those questions. But admit it -- you kind of want to know.

开场一系列的问题,讲者恰到好处的节奏和语调,让观众一下子就进入到话题里。最后来一句:admit it 承认吧,你是想知道的。是啊,我想知道我同事都拿多少钱,想知道上司拿多少钱,想知道CEO拿多少钱......

We're not supposed to tell our neighbors, and we're definitely not supposed to tell our office neighbors. The assumed reason is that if everybody knew what everybody got paid, then all hell would break loose. There'd be arguments, there'd be fights, there might even be a few people who quit.


what would happen if we removed that secrecy? What if openness actually increased the sense of fairness and collaboration inside a company? What would happen if we had total pay transparency?

"What  if "系列,如果我们把这个秘密拿走,如果公开之后能提高公司成员的合作度?工资全部公开之后,会发生什么?够引人入胜吧,接下来讲者要展开他的论据了:

For the past several years, I've been studying the corporate and entrepreneurial leaders who question the conventional wisdom about how to run a company. And the question of pay keeps coming up. And the answers keep surprising.

讲者做了很多调研,调研的结果是 the answers keep surprising ,每讲一段话就要放个钩子。来看看这个surprising 到底是什么?

It turns out that pay transparency -- sharing salaries openly across a company -- makes for a better workplace for both the employee and for the organization. When people don't know how their pay compares to their peers', they're more likely to feel underpaid and maybe even discriminated against.

知道同事的工资好处多多,不管是对员工还是对企业。不透明的地方,员工更容易觉得自己薪水低被欺负被歧视 ~ 

Why do some people go along with it, while others revolt against it? It turns out that in addition to the assumed reasons, pay secrecy is actually a way to save a lot of money.


keeping salaries secret leads to what economists call "information asymmetry."(信息不对称) This is a situation where, in a negotiation, one party has loads more information than the other. And in hiring or promotion or annual raise discussions, an employer can use that secrecy to save a lot of money. Imagine how much better you could negotiate for a raise if you knew everybody's salary.


Economists warn that information asymmetry can cause markets to go away. Someone leaves a pay stub on the copier, and suddenly everybody is shouting at each other. In fact, they even warn that information asymmetry can lead to a total market failure. And I think we're almost there.


then openness remains the only way to ensure fairness.


Now, pay transparency takes a lot of forms. ......But we can all take greater steps towards pay transparency. For those of you that have the authority to move forward towards transparency: it's time to move forward. And for those of you that don't have that authority: it's time to stand up for your right to.


So how much do you get paid? And how does that compare to the people you work with? You should know. And so should they. Thank you.



提问、描述 - 为什么工资不透明?现状是什么?

引发进一步讨论 - what if系列,如果工资透明会怎么样?

展开论据 - 通过调研得到的反馈。公开透明好,不透明有种种后患。

具体方法 - 怎么透明

呼吁 - 大家来捍卫自己的权利

写在之后 :

我是做配音工作的,配音这个行业的价格都是公开透明,因为大家都是散户,都知道市价的情况:一个广告多少钱、一集动画多少钱、一集旁白多少钱。也正是因为有这个市场价,价位低的初入行的新人,有了奋斗的目标;已经拿着市场价的声优,会突破这个价格,继续往上攀登~ 比如,我上周配一条15秒的广告,是1200.00。在上海的市价就是1200-1800,但是也有老师长期积累了自己的品牌,客户指定,这些大师可能15秒广告,要收5000.00。

当然,如果你是配英文的广告、宣传片,价格翻倍都不止! 学好英文,好处多啊~ 加油!!


