ethereum p2p Kademlia的实现之一
2018-04-16 本文已影响32人
// Server manages all peer connections.
type Server struct {
// Config fields may not be modified while the server is running.
// Hooks for testing. These are useful because we can inhibit
// the whole protocol stack.
newTransport func(net.Conn) transport
newPeerHook func(*Peer)
lock sync.Mutex // protects running
running bool
ntab discoverTable
listener net.Listener
ourHandshake *protoHandshake
lastLookup time.Time
DiscV5 *discv5.Network
// These are for Peers, PeerCount (and nothing else).
peerOp chan peerOpFunc
peerOpDone chan struct{}
quit chan struct{}
addstatic chan *discover.Node
removestatic chan *discover.Node
posthandshake chan *conn
addpeer chan *conn
delpeer chan peerDrop
loopWG sync.WaitGroup // loop, listenLoop
peerFeed event.Feed
log log.Logger
// Start starts running the server.
// Servers can not be re-used after stopping.
func (srv *Server) Start() (err error) {
// node table
if !srv.NoDiscovery {
cfg := discover.Config{
PrivateKey: srv.PrivateKey,
AnnounceAddr: realaddr,
NodeDBPath: srv.NodeDatabase,
NetRestrict: srv.NetRestrict,
Bootnodes: srv.BootstrapNodes,
Unhandled: unhandled,
ntab, err := discover.ListenUDP(conn, cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
srv.ntab = ntab
dialer := newDialState(srv.StaticNodes, srv.BootstrapNodes, srv.ntab, dynPeers, srv.NetRestrict)
// dialstate schedules dials and discovery lookups.
// it get's a chance to compute new tasks on every iteration
// of the main loop in
type dialstate struct {
maxDynDials int
ntab discoverTable
netrestrict *netutil.Netlist
lookupRunning bool
dialing map[discover.NodeID]connFlag
lookupBuf []*discover.Node // current discovery lookup results
randomNodes []*discover.Node // filled from Table
static map[discover.NodeID]*dialTask
hist *dialHistory
start time.Time // time when the dialer was first used
bootnodes []*discover.Node // default dials when there are no peers
type task interface {
// A dialTask is generated for each node that is dialed. Its
// fields cannot be accessed while the task is running.
type dialTask struct {
flags connFlag
dest *discover.Node
lastResolved time.Time
resolveDelay time.Duration
// discoverTask runs discovery table operations.
// Only one discoverTask is active at any time.
// discoverTask.Do performs a random lookup.
type discoverTask struct {
results []*discover.Node
func (t *dialTask) Do(srv *Server) {
//fmt.Println("diatask do")
if t.dest.Incomplete() {
if !t.resolve(srv) {
err := t.dial(srv, t.dest)
if err != nil {
log.Trace("Dial error", "task", t, "err", err)
// Try resolving the ID of static nodes if dialing failed.
if _, ok := err.(*dialError); ok && t.flags&staticDialedConn != 0 {
if t.resolve(srv) {
t.dial(srv, t.dest)
func (t *discoverTask) Do(srv *Server) {
// newTasks generates a lookup task whenever dynamic dials are
// necessary. Lookups need to take some time, otherwise the
// event loop spins too fast.
//fmt.Println("discoverTask do")
next := srv.lastLookup.Add(lookupInterval)
if now := time.Now(); now.Before(next) {
srv.lastLookup = time.Now()
var target discover.NodeID
t.results = srv.ntab.Lookup(target)
ntab, err := discover.ListenUDP(conn, cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
srv.ntab = ntab
// ListenUDP returns a new table that listens for UDP packets on laddr.
func ListenUDP(c conn, cfg Config) (*Table, error) {
tab, _, err := newUDP(c, cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Info("UDP listener up", "self", tab.self)
return tab, nil
func newUDP(c conn, cfg Config) (*Table, *udp, error) {
udp := &udp{
conn: c,
priv: cfg.PrivateKey,
netrestrict: cfg.NetRestrict,
closing: make(chan struct{}),
gotreply: make(chan reply),
addpending: make(chan *pending),
realaddr := c.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
if cfg.AnnounceAddr != nil {
realaddr = cfg.AnnounceAddr
// TODO: separate TCP port
udp.ourEndpoint = makeEndpoint(realaddr, uint16(realaddr.Port))
tab, err := newTable(udp, PubkeyID(&cfg.PrivateKey.PublicKey), realaddr, cfg.NodeDBPath, cfg.Bootnodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
udp.Table = tab
go udp.loop()
go udp.readLoop(cfg.Unhandled)
return udp.Table, udp, nil
其中的type Table struct实现了discoverTable接口
// p2p/dial.go
type discoverTable interface {
Self() *discover.Node
Resolve(target discover.NodeID) *discover.Node
Lookup(target discover.NodeID) []*discover.Node
ReadRandomNodes([]*discover.Node) int
// p2p/discover/table.go
type Table struct {
mutex sync.Mutex // protects buckets, bucket content, nursery, rand
buckets [nBuckets]*bucket // index of known nodes by distance
nursery []*Node // bootstrap nodes
rand *mrand.Rand // source of randomness, periodically reseeded
ips netutil.DistinctNetSet
db *nodeDB // database of known nodes
refreshReq chan chan struct{}
initDone chan struct{}
closeReq chan struct{}
closed chan struct{}
bondmu sync.Mutex
bonding map[NodeID]*bondproc
bondslots chan struct{} // limits total number of active bonding processes
nodeAddedHook func(*Node) // for testing
net transport
self *Node // metadata of the local node