
Identity Verification Using Bloc

2018-03-04  本文已影响442人  长也之道
ID Wallet

Model based on Dave Birch's article: http://www.chyp.com/putting-identity-on-the-blockchain-part-2-create-an-identity-model/

Identity issues for individuals

Identity issues for institutions

Possible Solution - Identity on Blockchain or DLT

User's verifiable attributes of the identity, such as name, age or address are hashed, then digitally signed by a trusted body. Hash with the signature then stored on the Blockchain or DLT and users store their verified ID information encrypted on their phone and carry it with them. During the verification process, user provides the relevant original information with the signed data (retrievable address on the Blockchain or DLT) to a 3rd party, and if the 3rd party can reproduce the hash from the provided information, match it with the one stored on the Blockchain and trust the signature, then the identity of the user can be treated as verified.

ID Attestation

Benefits of using this approach:



可能的解决方案 - 身份验证信息存放在区块链或DLT上



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