托福 写作

2018-11-11 TOEFL Writing 10天突破新托

2018-11-11  本文已影响0人  suntarliarzn

Arts bring you hope when you feel hopeless, give you comfort when you are anxious and support you when you are defeated.
​                                                               ------Robin

landscape painting cn.风景画
representational painting cn.具象画
mural/fresco cn.壁画
Different strokes for different folks. 萝卜白菜,各有所爱
trend-setting adj. 引领潮流
rid off the worries 消除担心
get away from daily grind 从日常琐事摆脱出来
calm the nerves and restore the soul 放松
predictable storyline/plot 看了片头就知道结尾的情节
light/moderate/vigorous/strenuous exercise 低/中/高强度的锻炼
endurance n.耐力
unsightly adj.不好看的
hideous adj.巨丑的
exhilarating adj. 让人兴奋的
hilarious adj.滑稽的
playful adj.爱嬉戏的;幽默的
garish adj.艳俗的
horseback riding n. 骑马
archery n.射箭
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