L3.U1.P2:Kim's Movie Star Dream

2022-12-01  本文已影响0人  六五七的趣能星球

Kim's Movie Star Dream 金的电影明星梦

Kim is a popular Korean actress.(R)  金是一个受欢迎的韩国女演员。

She is 28 years old, slim and beautiful.(R) 她28岁,苗条又漂亮。

She has a large fan club, and her movies are very popular. 她有一个很大的粉丝俱乐部,并且她的电影很受欢迎。

(Everywhere) she goes, her fans want her (autograph). 无论她在哪里,她的粉丝都想要她的亲笔签名。

But Kim wants more.但金想要更多。

She wants to be popular all over the world.(R)  她想在全世界受欢迎。

Q:What her fans want? her autograph. 她的粉丝想要什么? 她的亲笔签名。

Q:What does Kim want? She wants to be more popular. 金想要什么? 她想要更受欢迎。 

Tomorrow is a special day for her.(R)  明天对她来说是个特别的日子。

She is leaving for Hollywood.[tomorrow]. (R) 她将离开去好莱坞。

She is going to Hollywood to meet with some top movie executives. 她将去好莱坞和一些顶级的电影高管们会面。

The meeting is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. 会面安排在后天。

If the meeting goes well, she'll be in a Hollywood movie. 如果会面进展顺利,她将出演一部好莱坞电影。

This is her (chance) to (become) a (star). 这是她成为明星的机会。

Q:When is she leaving for Hollywood?  tomorrow. 她什么时候离开去好莱坞? 明天。

Q:When is the meeting scheduled? the day after tomorrow. 会面安排在什么时候? 后天。

She met the movie's director last year. 她去年见过这部电影的导演。

He (came) to Korea and (saw) her (latest) movie.(R) 他来到韩国并看了她的最新电影。

After that, he decided to use her in his new movie.(R) 在那之后,他决定在他的新电影中使用她。

Fortunately, Kim's english is excellent, so she can play the role. 幸运的是,金的英语很好,所以她可以扮演这个角色。

Q:Who came to Korea and saw her latest movie? the movie's director. 谁来韩国看了她的最新电影? 那个电影导演。

Q:What did the movie director decide to do? He decided to use her in his new movie. 那个电影导演决定做什么? 他决定在他的新电影中使用她。

Q:How good is Kim's english?  excellent. 金的英语有多好? 很出色。

The director wants her to play a major role in the movie. 导演想让她在电影中扮演一个主要角色。

The movie's story will take place in the future. 这部电影的故事将在未来发生。

At that time, the world will be a very different place. 到那时,世界将是一个非常不同的地方。

Unfortunately, much of the world will be polluted. 不幸的是,世界大部分地区将被污染

Robots will do (much) of the work, and (only) the very (rich) can have a good life. 机器人将做大部分的工作,只有非常富有的人才能拥有一个好的生活。

Q:In the movie, what the world will be like in the futrue?  polluted. 在电影中,世界在未来将会变成什么? 严重污染。

Q:What are robots? mchines. 机器人是什么? 机械设备。

Q:When will the movie story take place? It  will take place in the future.  电影故事会在什么时候发生?  它发生在未来。

Q:In the movie, what will do much of the world's work?   Robots. 在这部电影中,世界上的大部分工作将由什么来完成?  机器人。

The ending of the movie is still a secret. 这部电影的结局仍然是个秘密。

Even Kim doesn't know how it will end. 甚至金也不知道它的结局会怎样。

But she hopes it will have a happy ending. 但她希望它会有一个令人愉快的结局。

She wants people to have hope for a better future. 她希望人们对更好的未来抱有希望。

Q:What is still a secret?  the ending of the movie. 什么还是一个秘密呢?  那个电影的结局。

Q:What kind of ending does Kim want to movie to have? a happy ending. 金希望电影是哪种结局? 一个令人愉快的结局。

She wants the movie to have a happy ending.(R) 她希望这部电影有一个令人愉快的结局。

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