学 Kotlin,看这一篇就够了
2017-06-06 本文已影响2939人
- Kotlin/anko - Pleasant Android application development.
- JakeWharton/kotterknife - View injection library for Android.
- MarcinMoskala/ActivityStarter - Activity starter generator and arguments injection library for Android.
- MarcinMoskala/KotlinPreferences - Kotlin Android Library, that makes preference usage in Kotlin simple and fun.
- MarcinMoskala/PreferenceHolder - Kotlin Android Library, that makes preference usage in Kotlin simple and fun using object with fields binded to SharedPreferences.
- nsk-mironov/kotlin-jetpack - A collection of useful extension methods for Android.
- pawegio/KAndroid - Kotlin library for Android providing useful extensions to eliminate boilerplate code.
- chibatching/Kotpref - Android SharedPreference delegation for Kotlin.
- TouK/bubble - Library for obtaining screen orientation when orientation is blocked in AndroidManifest.
- ragunathjawahar/kaffeine - Kaffeine is a Kotlin-flavored Android library for accelerating development.
- mcxiaoke/kotlin-koi - Koi, a lightweight kotlin library for Android Development.
- BennyWang/KBinding - Android View Model binding framework write in kotlin, base on anko, simple but powerful.
- inaka/KillerTask - Android AsyncTask wrapper library, written in Kotlin.
- grandstaish/paperparcel - Boilerplate reduction library written specifically for working with Kotlin data classes on Android.
- andre-artus/AnvilKotlin - Minimal UI library for Android inspired by React.
- mathcamp/fiberglass - Easy lightweight SharedPreferences library for Android in Kotlin using delegated properties.
- nitrico/LastAdapter - Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!.
- denisidoro/krouter - A lightweight Android activity router.
- metalabdesign/AsyncAwait - async/await for Android built upon coroutines introduced in Kotlin 1.1.
- jupf/staticlog - StaticLog - super lightweight static logging for Kotlin, Java and Android.
- zserge/anvil - Minimal UI library for Android inspired by React.
- DanielMartinus/Stepper-Touch - Fun playful Android stepper widget for counting, written in Kotlin.
- GlimpseFramework/glimpse-framework-android - OpenGL made simple.
- infotech-group/android-drawable-dsl - DSL for constructing the drawables in Kotlin instead of in XML.
- zsmb13/MaterialDrawerKt - A DSL for creating Material Design navigation drawers without any XML.
- SnowdreamFramework/ToyBricks - Android Library that provide simpler way to achieve modularity.
- nekocode/kotgo - An android development framwork on kotlin using MVP architecture.
- lightningkite/kotlin-core - A full framework for making Android apps. Based on Anko and Kotson.
- antoniolg/Bandhook-Kotlin - A showcase music app for Android entirely written using Kotlin language.
- antoniolg/Kotlin-for-Android-Developers - Companion App for the book "Kotlin Android Developers".
- damianpetla/kotlin-dagger-example - Example of Android project showing integration with Kotlin and Dagger 2.
- dodyg/AndroidRivers - RSS Readers for Android.
- MakinGiants/banjen-android-banjo-tuner - App that plays sounds helping to tune a brazilian banjo.
- inaka/kotlillon - Android Kotlin Examples.
- MakinGiants/todayhistory - App that shows what happened today in history.
- RxKotlin/Pocket - This app help user to save links easily, and can export to Evernote as weekly.
- SidneyXu/AndroidDemoIn4Languages - Comparison between Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin in Android Development.
- inorichi/tachiyomi - Free and open source manga reader for Android.
- ziggy42/Blum-kotlin - A simple android Twitter client written in Kotlin
- TwidereProject/Twidere-Android - Material Design ready and feature rich Twitter app for Android 4.0+
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Calendar - A simple calendar with events, customizable widget and no ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Camera - A camera with flash, zoom and no ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Draw - A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-File-Manager - A simple file manager for browsing and editing files and directories.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Gallery - A gallery for viewing photos and videos without ads.
- SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Notes - A simple textfield for adding quick notes without ads.
- ajalt/timberkt - Easy Android logging with Kotlin and Timber.
- kiruto/debug-bottle - Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language.
- Email:yanghui1986527#gmail.com
- Github: https://github.com/snowdream
- Blog: http://snowdream.github.io/blog/
- 简书:http://www.jianshu.com/u/748f0f7e6432
- 云栖博客:https://yq.aliyun.com/u/snowdream86
- QQ群: 529327615
- 微信公众号: sn0wdr1am