Gotham 1 episode 7 词汇与短语

2020-02-12  本文已影响0人  抖一抖羽毛

Schmo 蠢货

(North American English, informal, disapproving)

Skinflint 铁公鸡

a person who does not like spending money

Cheapskate 吝啬鬼

a person who does not like to spend money

Trespass 非法入侵(私人住宅)

1. [intransitive] trespass (on something) to enter land or a building that you do not have permission or the right to enter

2. [intransitive] (old use) to do something

trespass on sth

Easy as pie 小菜一碟

On a spot of bother 有麻烦了/陷入麻烦了

You’re hip. 挺灵通/挺机灵。

You play nice, take your lumps. 你乖乖配合,好好投降。

Be on one’s hip everywhere with sb. 跟屁虫

1. the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the waist; the joint at the top of the leg

2. (hip·per, hip·pest) (informal) following or knowing what is fashionable in clothes, music, etc.

Close associates 党羽

(stone) moneymaker 摇钱树

I sense a sarcastic and hostile edge to your tone 你这话有很强的讽刺和敌意啊。

A yellow rat switch 告密小人

Get sb. all twisted 弄得某人晕头转向

As a show of mutual respect, you give us sth. In return 不过礼尚往来,你也得拿出来点诚意。

Tore up 大闹

Straight-up bluffed sb. into folding 直接吓唬投降

(Be) fish food 变怂包

What’s the catch? 什么条件?

Let’s not haggle here (我们)别(在这儿)磨叽了

[intransitive] haggle (with somebody) (over something) to argue with somebody in order to reach an agreement, especially about the price of something

Sb. will see the light. 某人会明白的

One way or the other 无论如何

参考文献: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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