斯坦福大学SCI写作课程6 Paragraph
2020-04-21 本文已影响0人

1. key points
1)1 paragraph = 1 idea
2)Give away the punch line early (早点给出结论)
3)Paragraph flow 流畅度
a. logical flow of ideas
➡️Sequential in time
➡️General to specific
➡️Logical arguments (if a then b; a therefore b)
b. parallel sentence structures
c. if necessary, transition words
➡️越简单越好(but, and...)
4)Your reader remembers the first sentence and the last sentence best.
Make the last sentence memorable. Emphasis at the end!
2. A few more tips
It's OK to repeat a word!

2)key words
a. Use only standard acryonyms/initialisms
b. If you must use acronyms, define them separately in the abstract, each table/figure, and the text.