【Translation】青蛙王子(上)--The Frog P

2020-06-28  本文已影响0人  小小小小的羊

The Frog Prince


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Princess.(从前,有一位漂亮的公主)

She was very vain and selfish, and cared only about showing off her beauty and collecting expensive things. (她非常虚荣自私,只在乎炫耀自己的美丽和收集贵重的东西。)

Ugh! What is this? I can't wear this old, grubby dress! (哦,这是什么?我可不能穿这件破旧的衣服!)

One day, her father the King told her he had a present for her, and showed her a magnificent ball made of pure gold.(一天,她的父亲,也就是国王,跟她说他要送她一个礼物,然后向她展示了一个纯金的漂亮的球。)

My dearest, a neighboring kingdom has sent this golden ball as a gift for you.(亲爱的,邻近的王国把这个金球作为礼物送给你。)

Oooo! It's so pretty! Wow! It is. It is also the only one of its kind in the world. (哦!太漂亮了!哇哦!是啊。它在世上独一无二。)

The princess was thrilled, and played with her ball in the garden every day.(公主每天都在花园里兴致勃勃地玩球。)

Soon however, the Princess began to grow bored, because she had no friend.(然而没过多久,公主开始变得无聊了,因为她没有朋友。)

I'm so lonely, I wish I had a friend to play with. That would be great. (我太孤独了,我希望我能有个玩伴,那就好了。)

Suddenly, she heard a voice that seemed to come out of nowhere.'Why don't you play with me? '(突然,她听到一个不知从哪冒出来的声音。'你为什么不和我玩?')

Surprised, the Princess looked everywhere trying to see where the voice had come from but she saw no one.(公主惊讶地看看周围,试着找到声音从哪里来,但她看不见一个人。)

Who are you? Come out if you want to play with me. (你是谁?如果想和我玩,那就出来。)

As soon as she said those words, the owner of the voice came out of hiding and revealed himself.He turned out to be a frog. (她的话音刚落,声音的主人就从多藏身之处现身了。原来是一只青蛙。)

You are the most lovely princess in the world, would you let me be your friend and play with you?(你是我见过世上最可爱的公主了,我可以做你的朋友和你玩耍吗?)

The Princess was shocked and disgusted, because she thought the frog was hideous.(公主感到既吃惊又恶心,因为她觉得这只青蛙十分丑陋可怕。)

Ahh! How dare you presume such a thing! I can't play with a repulsive, slimy frog! Get out of my sight!(啊,你竟敢妄想这样的事!我才不和一个恶心的黏糊糊的青蛙玩!别让我看到你!)

I may be ugly but I am fun to play with!(我可能长得丑,但和我玩很有趣!)

I would rather play by myself than touch something dirty and horrible like you. You will make me dirty! (我宁愿自己玩也不要碰你这样又脏又可怕的东西。你会弄脏我的!)

Furious, the Princess turned away and stalked off back to the castle to get away from the frog. (带着怒气,公主转身扬长而去,返回城堡远离青蛙。)

The Princess stalked off back to the castle

One sunny afternoon, the princess was playing with her golden ball as usual when it slipped out of her hands and splashed into a well. (一个风和日丽的下午,公主和往常一样玩她的金球,这时它从她的手中滑落,掉进井里去了。)

The princess was very upset and started to cry. Oh, what can I do? My beautiful golden ball is lost forever!(公主伤心得哭了起来。哦,我该怎么办?我漂亮的金球永远回不来了!)

At that moment, the Frog heard the Princess crying and came out of hiding to stand before her. (这时,青蛙听见了公主在哭泣,就从藏身之处站在他面前。)

Don't cry, I can help you get your ball back. (不要哭,我可以帮你找回你的球。)

Leave me alone! How can a small ugly frog help me get my ball from that huge well? (别烦我!一个又小又丑的青蛙怎么能帮我从这么大的井里找回我的球呢?)

It's easy for me. I jump in and out of the well every day. (小菜一碟。我每天从井里跳进跳出。)

Then you can really get me my ball back? (你真的可以帮我找回球吗?)

Of course! But you have to promise me something in return. (当然!但是你必须答应我一些事作为回报。)


I will bring you your ball if you promise that you will be my friend from now on. You will allow me to eat with you when you have your meals, and sleep next to you in your bed every night. Will you do that for me, princess? (想让我带回你的球,那你得答应我从现在起做我的朋友,允许我和你共进晚餐,每晚挨着你睡觉。你能做到吗,公主?)

Anything! I promise! Just please get me my ball.(什么事我都答应你!我保证!就请你找到我的球吧。)

Satisfied, the frog leaped into the well. He emerged a few moments later, holding the golden ball. (满意后,青蛙跳进了井。过了一会,他拿着金球出现了。)

Princess, here, I have kept my promise. Now, let's play. (公主,这里,我履行了我的诺言。现在,我们一起玩吧。)

My golden ball! I got my golden ball back! (我的金球!我找回我的金球了!)

The Princess turned and ran towards the castle without stopping to thank the Frog. (公主转身跑向城堡,连句谢谢都没停下对青蛙说。)

Princess, Princess, wait! You promised you would play with me! (公主,公主,等等!你答应我和我玩!)

I lied, of course! Did you really expect me to play with an ugly, slimy frog like you? I never want to see you again!(我当然是骗你的!你真的相信我会和一只想你这样丑陋的黏糊糊的青蛙玩耍吗?我再也不想见到你了!)

"Princess, Princess, wait! "



1. vain:徒劳的;自负的,虚荣的;

in vain:白费力气,徒劳无功。


2. grubby:肮脏的,邋遢的。

3. magnificent:壮丽雄伟的;值得赞扬的;

eg. She looks magnificent in the white wedding dress.

4. hidous:十分丑陋的;令人讨厌的;

eg. a hidous crime/face/building/dress

5. repulsive:令人厌恶的(disgusting);斥力的

eg. a repulsive smell/habit

eg. repulsive forces(斥力)

6. slimy:黏糊糊的;


slim:苗条的(a);减肥(v) ;

注意发音:slime / sla ɪ m /;slim / sl ɪ m /.

7. splash:溅落(v) ;落水声(n)

8. stalk:茎(n) ;悄悄跟踪;趾高气昂/怒气冲冲地走(v)


