

2017-08-13  本文已影响32人  七老师

古语云:担当生前事, 何计身后评。

Wild American

Henry David Thoreau, a new biography

This compelling study reveals an enigmatic American writer worthy of reappraisal

Henry David Thoreau: A Life. By Laura Dassow Walls. University of Chicago Press; 613 pages; $35 and £26.50.

  1. ON AN April night in 1844, a distraught Henry David Thoreau walked through the blackened waste of a forest fire he had accidentally caused only hours before. The fire, near Concord, Massachusetts, surrounded Walden Pond, about which he would write so eloquently a decade later. The woods soon recovered, but Thoreau’s reputation did not. After he died, the Atlantic published a confession from his journal and mocked him: “The icon of woodcraft, so careless he burned down the woods!…The town ne’er-do-well, off fishing when he should have been earning a living!”

distraught: so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly
woodcraft: skill and experience in matters relating to the woods, as hunting, fishing, or camping.


  1. Two centuries later Thoreau’s reputation continues to be questioned. He is often derided as an ascetic crank, pond scum, or inversely, revered as a back-to-nature saint. Laura Dassow Walls’s new biography is a compelling study that dispels both these notions, revealing an enigmatic American writer worthy of reappraisal.

deride: to make remarks or jokes that show you think someone or something is silly or useless = mock
dispel: to make something go away, especially a belief, idea, or feeling
e.g. We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain.
reappraisal: the act of examining sth again to see if it needs to be changed
= reassessment


  1. Much of the animosity towards Thoreau centres on the two years he spent by Walden Pond and the book they inspired. “Walden” is seen by some as a retreat to a false wilderness, interspersed with trips to his family home for hot meals and to do his laundry. Ms Walls argues that Thoreau’s seclusion at Walden Pond should instead be viewed as an inadvertent piece of performance art. “Walden” includes some of the most influential and lyrical nature writing in America and became the foundation for a new generation of environmental thinking. Ms Walls quotes little of it, preferring to focus on the duality of Thoreau’s personality: introspective and intensely private, yet self-certain and boastful.

animosity towards: strong dislike or hatred = hostility
intersperse: to put sth in sth else or among or between other things
e.g. be interspersed with/in sth
inadvertent: An inadvertent action is one that you do without realizing what you are doing.
e.g. an inadvertent error

3)针对梭罗的大部分敌意都集中在他花在瓦尔登湖的两年以及这两年所启发那本书上(即《瓦尔登湖》——译者注)。有些人认为《瓦尔登湖》是一次虚假的荒野隐退,期间他时不时回到家中去吃饭和洗衣服。 沃尔斯女士认为,梭罗在瓦尔登湖的隐居应该被视为无意的表演艺术。《瓦尔登湖》包含着美国最有影响力和最浪漫的描写大自然的文字,并成为新一代环保思维的基础。 沃尔斯女士基本没有引用书中的内容,更愿意专注于梭罗性格的二元性:内向且极其孤僻,但又自信且自夸。

  1. While living by Walden Pond, Thoreau harboured a slave who had escaped from the South as part of the “Underground Railroad”. This act of private rebellion led to a very public one a decade later. On November 1st 1859 the professed hermit stood up in front of a crowd in the Tremont Temple in Boston to deliver a lecture in support of Captain John Brown, an abolitionist who was to be hanged for leading an armed attack in what is now West Virginia. Thoreau, thought of as a quiet philosopher, held his audience enthralled and parts of his lecture were reprinted in newspapers around the country.

the Underground Railroad: a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early-to-mid 19th century, and used by African-American slaves to escape into free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause.
professed: used to describe a belief or a position that sb has publicly made known
e.g. a professed Christian/anarchist
enthral: to make someone very interested and excited, so that they listen or watch something very carefully
e.g. The children were enthralled by the story she was telling


  1. One of the pleasures of reading Ms Walls’s book is learning of Thoreau’s many-sided and relentlessly curious nature. As well as his writing and activism, he was an engineer, a surveyor, a lecturer and a meticulous naturalist. Only five weeks after the publication of Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”, Thoreau was applying evolutionary principles to his own study. The irony of his work as a surveyor was not lost on him. By the time he died, at 44, much of Concord had changed, and the cabin at Walden Pond no longer existed. Thoreau was wary of the unhindered industrialism espoused by his friend and mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson and asked why not “run the Earth off its track into a new orbit, some summer, and so change the tedious vicissitude of the seasons?” As the effects of climate change take hold, Thoreau’s warning feels prescient.

relentless: not stopping or getting less strong = unrelenting
e.g. her relentless pursuit of perfection
meticulous: paying careful attention to every detail = fastidious, thorough
e.g. meticulous planning/records/research
be lost on sb: if something is lost on someone, they do not understand or want to accept it
espoused: formal to support an idea, belief etc, especially a political one
vicissitude: one of the many changes and problems in a situation or in your life, that you have to deal with
e.g. the vicissitudes of family life
take (a) hold: to start to have a definite effect


  1. Ms Walls’s book is a timely and revealing study of an eminent American writer and environmentalist. Thoreau’s thinking bound science, politics and nature together in the hope that both the human and the non-human could flourish. This was a novel idea at the time, and should still be heeded today.

heed: to pay careful attention to sb's advice or warning = take notice of


This article appeared in the Books and arts section of the print edition under the headline "Wild American"





