

2019-10-29  本文已影响0人  苏耀勇



漫画作者斯科特亚当(Scott Adam)曾经观察到,“记者们每天面临着费劲艰辛寻找故事或者写下别人告诉他的故事的选择。两种方式都得到同样报酬。”如果有的话,以什么方式,这个评论和本章的主题相关?请解释。





c.像3k党(Ku Klux Klan)这样的极端组织,应该允许在公共场所举行集会,或者讨论在城市街道上进行游行的可行性。
d. 所有的学生都要修一年级的作文课。
h. 投票的年龄应该降低到16岁。
k. 如果一个男人的妻子赚的钱比他多,男人的自尊会严重受到伤害。
l. 女人喜欢依靠男人。





  1. Many years ago an expert on thinking made this observation: “Probably the main characteristic of the trained thinker is that he does not jump to conclusions on insufficient evidence as the untrained man is inclined to do.”4 (Note: At that time, he and man were commonly used to denote both men and women.) Think of several recent occasions when you formed opinions with little or no evidence. In each case state the opinion and explain what kind of evidence would be necessary to support it adequately.

  2. Cartoonist Scott Adams once observed, “Reporters are faced with the
    daily choice of painstakingly researching stories or writing whatever people tell them. Both approaches pay the same.”5 In what way, if any, is this remark related to the subject of this chapter? Explain.

  3. Some years ago, a well-known television actress was on a talk show discussing a number of topics, including an episode of her show in which two lesbians kissed on camera. The actress volunteered this opinion: “This is a time in our society when homophobia is really huge and crimes against gays are at an all-time high.” If the talk show host had been a critical thinker, what questions would he have asked at that point? What kind of evidence would be helpful in testing the reasonableness of her opinion?

  4. In Chapter 5, application 10, you responded to each of the following questions with an opinion. Review those opinions and the evidence you offered in support of them. In each case classify the evidence as personal experience, unpublished report, published report, eyewitness testimony, celebrity testimony, expert opinion, experiment, statistics, survey, formal observation, or research review. Decide whether your evidence was sufficient. If you find it was not, explain what kind of evidence would be necessary to support the opinion adequately.

a. In divorce cases, what guidelines should the courts use in deciding which parent gets custody of the children?
b. Until what age should children be spanked (if indeed they should be spanked at all)?
c. Should the minimum drinking age be sixteen in all states?
d. In what situation, if any, should the United States make the first strike with nuclear weapons?
e. Do evil spirits exist? If so, can they influence people’s actions?
f. Does the end ever justify the means?
g. Does attending class regularly increase one’s chances for academic success?
h. Were teachers more respected fifty years ago than they are today?
i. Does binge drinking on weekends constitute alcoholism?
j. Is antisocial behavior increasing, or are the media just doing a better job of reporting it?

  1. In Chapter 1, application 9, you expressed an opinion about each of the statements listed below. Reexamine each of your responses, following the directions in application 4 above.

a. Health care workers should be required to be tested for HIV/AIDS.
b. Beauty contests and talent competitions for children should be banned.
c. Extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan should be allowed to hold rallies
on public property or be issued permits to hold parades on city streets.
d. Freshman composition should be a required course for all students.
e. Athletes should be tested for anabolic steroid use.
f. Creationism should be taught in high school biology classes.
g. Polygamy should be legalized.
h. The voting age should be lowered to sixteen.
i. The prison system should give greater emphasis to the punishment of inmates than to their rehabilitation.
j. Doctors and clinics should be required to notify parents of minors when they prescribe birth control devices for the minors.
k. Aman’s self-esteem is severely injured if his wife makes more money than he makes.
l. Women like being dependent on men.

A Difference of Opinion

The following passage summarizes an important difference of opinion. After reading the statement, use the library and/or the Internet and find what knowledgeable people have said about the issue. Be sure to cover the entire range of views. Then assess the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you conclude that one view is entirely correct and the others are mistaken, explain how you reached that conclusion. If, as is more likely, you find that one view is more insightful than the others but that they all make some valid points, construct a view of your own that combines the insights from all views and explain why that view is the most reasonable of all. Present your response in a composition or an oral report, as your instructor specifies.

Should the minimum wage be abolished? The dominant view over the past half-century is that the minimum wage should not be abolished. In fact, many believe it is far too low and should be increased. Proponents of this view make the moral argument that every worker deserves a “living wage” and only the government can ensure that employers meet this obligation. They also make the practical argument that a higher starting salary motivates workers to work hard and improve their skills. Those who believe the minimum wage should be abolished contend that when minimum wages are imposed on small businesses, they are forced to increase prices and penalize consumers or to cut jobs and limit opportunities for would-be workers. One economist notes that minimum wage laws harm younger workers and members of minority groups because “the net economic effect of minimum wage laws is to make less skilled, less experienced, or otherwise less desired workers more expensive—thereby pricing many of them out of jobs.”6

Begin your analysis by conducting a Google search using the term “pro con minimum wage.”

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