The Beauty of Music

2019-11-23  本文已影响0人  Harry哈利

每次乘公共汽车去学校时,我都会听歌。 就在最近,我意识到音乐的美丽,享受和能量。 本文将说明我欣赏所有音乐的原因。

Every time I take the bus to school, I listen to songs. Just recently I’ve realised the beauty and enjoyment and energy of music. This article will show my reasons for appreciating all music.

我相信音乐很棒,因为它可以让您将不同的情感与歌曲联系在一起。 支持这一点的证据是,我在紧张的时刻多次听过歌曲。  2017年,我参加了AIMS运动会,这是一场全国性的奥林匹克运动会比赛,其中包括奥运会上所有的运动项目。 我当时参加羽毛球比赛。 男性双打决赛的早晨,我感到非常紧张,就像第一次决赛一样。收音机中的一首是Maccklemore的歌曲“ Glorious”,我记得自己在解释歌词并告诉自己:“你可以做到”。 尽管那天我们输掉了比赛,但我清楚地记得那首歌所带来的事件,每当我听到它时,我都会为之兴奋并兴奋。 另一回事,当我观看《变形金刚》电影时,配乐《到达地球》使我突然想到领导力和牺牲。 这说明了为什么我认为歌曲很棒,因为它表明人们的情感和想法与他们所体验的事物紧密相关。 听音乐可能会引发深刻的感受和思想。

I believe music is great because it allows you associate different emotions to the song. The evidence to support this is the many times I’ve heard songs at moments of high tension. In 2017, I went to the AIMS Games, a national Olympic type competition that included all the sports the Olympics had. I was competing in badminton. The morning of the male doubles final, I was so nervous as it was my first final, the song ‘Glorious’ by Macklemore, came on the radio and I remember interpreting the lyrics and telling myself, “You can do it”. Though that day we lost the game, I clearly remember the event by that song and every time I hear it, I get pumped up, and excited. Another time  I associated a song with something was when I watched the Transformers movie, the soundtrack, ‘Arrival to Earth’, made me suddenly think about leadership and sacrifice. This demonstrates why I believe songs are great because it shows that ones emotions and thoughts are greatly tied to the things they experience. Listening to music can be the trigger for deep feelings and thought.

另外,我相信音乐很棒,因为它可以放松大脑。 有证据证明“石英在工作中”提出的科学研究。 科学家发现,“音乐会释放神经递质多巴胺,使您感觉良好且放松”。 此外,音乐的精神含义也有助于治愈身体。 精神的并不意味着宗教,它意味着我们尚未发现或无法解释的事物,而是我们认为需要实现的事物。 音乐使灵魂自然化,照亮您的身体,增强大脑,使您更加好奇。 这解释了为什么我相信音乐之所以出色,是因为它趋向于灵魂并且是灵性身体的自然疗法。

Additionally, I believe music is excellent because it relaxes the brain. Evidence to prove this the scientific study presented by  ‘Quartz at work’. Scientists have discovered that ‘music releases neurotransmitter dopamines, which makes you feel good and relieved’. Additionally, a spiritual meaning of music also helps to heal the body. Spiritual does not mean religious, it means the things which we have not discovered or can explain, but the things we feel we need for fulfilment. Music natures the soul and lightens your body, boosts your brain and makes you more curious. This explains why I believe music is excellent because it tends to the soul and is a natural healer for the spiritual body.


